Shh Keep It Quiet

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Harry’s POV

I walked downstairs, nodding hello to Darcy’s friends. As soon as I entered room, their excited whispers died down into giggles. Deciding not to put too much thought into their whispering, I entered to kitchen. I barely managed to grab the pancake mix before Darcy stomped into the room.

“Oh my gosh, dad,” she whispered, poking me in the chest. “You’re ruining my life.”

Raising an eyebrow quizzically, I frowned. “By making pancakes? Jeez, I knew you liked waffles better, but I don’t think it’s that serious.”

“No,” she looked around, “You and mom.”

“What? Are we embarrassing you?” I asked. “We’ve been leaving you guys alone.”

She groaned, burying her face in her hands. “But I didn’t want you guys to go and get freaky when you thought we were sleeping.”

We both stared at each other, and I smiled sheepishly. So (Y/N) and I might have gotten a little horny, and I may or may not have gone “downtown” on her. But damn, I thought we were being quiet. I didn’t think her friends would be able to hear us when they were all the way in the basement. Maybe I should invest in soundproof…

“Dad!” Darcy poked me in the chest again. “Next time control your hormones. You and mom are 37; people your age aren’t supposed to do things like that.”

Frowning, I swatted her hand away. “Your mother and I are still young. Besides, nobody asked you to listen.”

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