The Proposal

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Harry POV- 

I fixed my tie as I nervously walked to the table. My right pocket felt heavier than normal, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I approached (Y/N) and her parents. She turned to greet me immediately wrapping me in the vanilla scent of her lotion. I smile at her giving her a quick peck on the lips before I turn my attention to her parents.

Her father folds his arms across his chest while his mother stares intently at her menu. Awkwardly shifting over to give me room in the booth, her father scoots over providing me a small area to sit. As I slide into my seat, I can feel the intense gaze from her dad burning holes into the side of my head.

“So,” I begin opening my menu. “Is there anything here that’ll be particularly good?” I ask hoping to relieve the tension.

(Y/N)’s mom scoffs at my question, and I look up curiously. “You’ll be lucky to even afford a salad.”

“Mom!” (Y/N) yells. “That is so rude.” She grabs my hand tightly on the table. “This man is the love of my life, and you need to respect him.”

“Well, your mother has a point,” her father mutters. “He’s barely making minimum wage. Where do you work? Home Depot?”

I lower my eyes to the table. “I work at Lowes,” I mutter suddenly losing my appetite.

“Exactly,” her mother says clucking her tongue. “You could’ve been married to John; do you remember him? He was a lawyer, and he actually graduated from college.”

I swallow as (Y/N) grips my hand tighter. “Mom,” she says, “I didn’t love him; not like how I love Harry.” She smiles at me, and I feel my heart swell with pride.

The rest of the night progressed with a minimum of insults from (Y/N)’s parents, and by the time the waitress came out with dessert, I could feel my confidence slowly starting to rise. (Y/N) smiles at me as she dips her spoon into her ice cream, and I stand up.

“(Y/N), we’ve been dating for six years, and I feel like I’ve made a deeper connection with you than I have with anyone else,” I begin taking her hands in mine. Out of the corner of my eye I can see her father clenching his hands into fists. “I love you more than anything else in the world, and I never want to spend another day without you. You’re my happiness and my light. You make everything seem twenty times better.”

“Harry,” she whispers gently squeezing my hands. “I love you too, baby.”

I drop down onto my knee and pull the small box out of my pockets. As I slowly open the lid, I can feel my hands shake. Her hands immediately cover her mouth as she looks at the ring.

“I know it isn’t much, but I’ve been saving up for it. I wanted to get you something beautiful,” I say. “So.. um… will you marry me?” *GIF*

“Yes,” she cups my face in her hands and gently kisses me. “I would love to marry you.”

“I won’t allow it,” her father yells as he slams his fists on the table. “If you think I will allow my daughter to marry someone who can’t even afford to buy a new car, then you must have me confused,” he stands up angrily. “I refuse it!”

“Dad,” (Y/N) protests.

“No,” he yells. I can see several people look over, and I fumble with my tie. “If you marry him, you’re dead to me.”

He storms out of the restaurant followed by his wife, and I slouch into the seat beside (Y/N). My face burns with embarrassment, and I angrily slam the box shut. I couldn’t even get her a decent ring.

“Harry, baby,” she coos. “You know that I still love you,” she opens the box and slides the ring on her finger. “I don’t care what anyone says you are the love of my life, and nothing anyone can do will change that.”

I look at her, and kiss her cheek. “I’m so lucky to have you, (Y/N).”

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