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*Personal Imagine for Hazzas_girlfriend_*


Harry’s POV-

“Are you going to miss me?” I asked, carefully lifting up Autumn’s chin. She has been acting really strange for the last few weeks, but I wasn’t going to let that bother me.

“Yeah but…” She replied, but she trailed off, staring off into space.

“What?” I asked, brushing back a stray hair. “Baby, what is it? You have been acting really weird lately.”

Her focus returned to me. “Nothing,” she smiled, and I could tell she was forcing it. She stood on her tippy toes, kissing me on the cheek. “Just try not to have too much fun on tour without me.”

“I won’t,” I promised, hugging her tightly. “I’m going to miss you too much.”

When I pulled away, I could tell her mind was still on something else. I said goodbye, then I boarded the tour bus. I glanced out the window, hoping she would be smiling waving at me, but she just had this far off look on her face. I heard the engine start, and I knew we were leaving soon.

I glanced one last time at Autumn, but this time she was scribbling something on a paper. But before I could see what she was doing the bus pulled off. I craned my neck back to see what she had written.

I’m pregnant.

“What?” I exclaimed, hoping out of my seat. “Stop the bus.”

“What? Where are you—,” Liam began, but I didn’t stay around to hear the rest. I rushed out the bus to Autumn.

“Are you sure?” I huffed, struggling to catch my breath.

She nodded, silent tears streaming down her face. “Come here,” I said, wrapping my arms around her.

I let her cry in my arms, and I didn’t say a word. What do you say, when your whole life has been turned upside down? I’m only 20 and I’m going to be a father. What do you say to that?

“Come on, mate,” I heard Zayn yell behind me.

I pulled away, so I was looking into Autumn's eyes. “Look we will figure this out,” I said, wiping her tears away. “When I get back we will sit down and figure out what we are going to do.”

“What happens when I start showing Harry?” She snapped her tears falling harder.

“I don’t know,” I sighed. “But we will get through this.”

I kissed her on the forehead, then returned to the bus. I don’t know what we are going to do, but as of right now I’m going to be a father.

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