First Date

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"UPDATEEE!" "Hurry and update, I'm dying over here" "OMG YOU NEED TO UPDATE...LIKE NOW!" "U-P-D-A-T-E" "UP to the DATE"

YOUR NOT MY DAD! YOU ALWAYS WANNA READ SOMETHING. UGLY ASS FUCKING NOODLE HEAD >_<  But hey ya'll, I'm kinda back or w.e..... I'm saying 'kinda' because I too have a life and I can't post every second of my life.

It is 10:08 and I still haven't done my homework >_< Weekend was short asl (as usual) 

Follow me on the Gram: _asvpkayy_ 

Snapchat: kayy.dixon

kik: xoxo__karla

Also I love love loveeee when you guys comment :) It makes me really happy, so keep commenting and voting. I will 'try' to comment back.


Harry's POV-

I sat in my chair, fidgeting nervously. My eyes were following everyone as I wondered who was my date. I don’t know why I let my friend Ed hook me up with one of his friends. I sat for another twenty minutes, waiting for my date. Just as I was about to get up, a girl with straight hair approached me.

“Hi, are you Harry?” she asked, offering me a small smile. My heart sputtered momentarily, and it took all my focus to make my head nod. “Oh, I’m (Y/N).”

Se sat in the chair across from me, and I sat down as well, unable to tear my eyes away from her eyes. She smiled again, and I could already feel myself beginning to swoon.

“So umm… what do you do for a living?” I asked her, nervously wringing my hands together. Please don't be a stripper. Please don't be a stripper. Please don't be a str-

“I’m a model,” (Y/N) responded. “I work for a lot of small time fashion designers located in Northwest, DC.” Thank God

I leaned forward already growing interested. “You live in DC?”

“Yeah, I live in Southeast, DC, but I work in Northwest,” he smiled again. “What about you?”

We spent the rest of our date talking about ourselves and making jokes, and I already could feel myself growing more attached to (Y/N). I walked (Y/N) home, holding her hand the entire time, and I swore on my life I could hear my heart pounding.

“I had a good time,” she said as we walked up her steps. “This was fun.”

“Oh,” I smiled. “I had a nice time too.”

I glanced over at her, my eyes flitting down to her lips. I raised my hands up so they were gently cupping her face. Her lips turned upwards in a small smirk, and I licked my lips.

“I really want to kiss you,” I whispered.

She ghosted down to my lips for a moment. “What’s stopping you?”

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