Run To You

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Heyyy people ^.^ So i've been at my cousins house for about three days now and I have access to a laptop. My laptop can't be fixed so now I have to wait to get another one, but anyway, ENJOY!!!!


Your POV-

I rested my head against Harry's chest, listening to his heart beat. He was going on about something, but I was just enjoying how passionate he was. That’s what I loved about Harry. He was always willing to help anyone. 

“Are you even listening?” He asked, smiling down at me.

“Nope,” I smiled, kissing his cheek.

“What were you thinking about?”

I opened my mouth to reply, but my phone vibrated. I stiffened, when I saw who it was. I quickly got up, ignoring Harry’s calls behind me. “Hello,” I whispered, when was safely out of Harry’s hearing range.

“Bitch, Where are you?” Of course he was drunk, he's always drunk.

“Daddy, calm down. I’m sorry. I was out with a friend,” I cried, trying not to anger him.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. You better stop being a slut and get your ass home,” He slurred, and I could almost smell the alcohol on his breath.

“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, but he had already hung up the phone. 

I wiped the tears from my face, then went back to face Harry. I tried to hide it, but as soon as Harry saw my face he knew something was wrong. “What’s wrong?” He asked, a look of concern crossing his face.

I paused, and for a moment I thought I was going to confess everything: About my mother dying, about how my father is an alcoholic. Maybe show him that row of bruises that covered my body. Or the reason I flinched every time he raised his hand. I desperately wanted to run to him, but I couldn’t.

“Nothing,” I sniffled, reaching for my bag. “I have to go.”

“Oh okay,” he muttered softly. I tried my best to ignore the disappointment in his voice.

“I’ll talk to you later,” I said, kissing him on the cheek. 

When I got to my car, I broke down. I felt so alone. How do you explain to you boyfriend what you can barely believe it yourself.  How the place you thought was safe is a hell hole?

I heard the door open next to me, and Harry’s familiar scent filled the car. “Baby,” He said, pulling me into his arms. 

I rested my head against his chest, and I cried. I just let me hold me and cried. He didn’t press me for answers he just held me, and that’s just all I needed. I may have no idea how to tell him, but to know he is there for me is all I need.

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