I Wished You Loved Me

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“(Y/N), (Y/N),” your best friend Harry yelled trying to get your attention. You couldn’t help it, just him saying your name sent chills up and down your spine. Even though he was your best friend you secretly wanted more. You just had this feeling that you were meant to be. You tried to focus on what he was trying to tell you, but all you could picture was his pulling you close and kissing you passionately.

“Are you even listening to me,” he replied getting aggravated with you. He was waving his hand rapidly in front of your face. 

“Sorry,” you replied snapping back from your dreamland giving him your full attention. “What were you saying?”

“I was saying,” he continued. Just his voice alone made you want to pounce on him, but you knew you couldn’t. “I met someone.”

“Pause. What,” you snap completely caught off guard by this one sentence.

“I said I met a girl and I really think I like her,” he blushed scuffing his shoe up in the dirt. He has no idea how this has sent your world crashing down. You couldn’t contain your facial expressions and Harry could see you were upset.

“What’s wrong,” he asked frowning gently brushing his fingers against your shoulder. His touch still felt like sparks. 

“Nothing,” you replied mustering up your best fake smile. *GIF* “I’m happy for you.” Even though you were lying through your teeth you knew his best friends approval meant a lot to Harry.

You slowly began to get lost in your thoughts as Harry rambled on and on about his dream girl. You would occasionally smile or interject something, but your mind was somewhere else. Deep down you wished he would love you the same way you loved him, but you didn’t mind being his friend. Because if you really love someone you put their happiness above yours.

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