Why Don't You Love Me

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“Take your sister and put her in the car,” you whispered to your son Edward. You shut the door behind the focusing your attention back on Harry. Tears were falling down your face ruining your mascara, but you didn’t care. *GIF*

Harry had his face in his palms. “All I need to know is why Harry,” you sighed crossing your arms across your chest.

“Please,” he pleaded looking up at you. “Don’t make me answer that.”

“Why don’t you love me Harry,” you yell ignoring his pleas. “That is all I want to know.” When he doesn’t answer you become even angrier.

You eyes scan his searching for an answer, but you can’t find one. “I make it so easy too,” you scoff rolling your eyes at him. “I got beauty, brains, and I even put money in the bank. I gave you your two beautiful kids Darcy and Edward, but that isn’t enough. I do everything right and you still don’t love me.”

Harry doesn’t move. He just stares at you sadness in his eyes. “I’m even good in bed,” you continue. “I do all the freaky stuff you like.” Thinking of this brought a smirk across your face.

“Your friends think I’m perfect, but you don’t,” you announce sadly. You watch Harry, but his expression never changes.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers, but you turn your back to him.

“Maybe you’re just plain dumb,” you scoffed slamming the door behind you.

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