Your Side Of The Bed

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I lay awake in bed. 3 weeks. That’s how long Harry has been gone, but it felt like it had been longer. We talk on the phone, text, and skype, but that doesn’t replace the pain. I still missed him. 

I knew when I married Harry, that I would have to share him with the fans. But it hurts to know that our son is growing up without his father. I rolled over in bed, but the empty spot next to me only made his absence more complete. 

His side of the bed was empty. Harry wasn’t there. I missed the soft mutters he used to make, while he slept, but instead there was silence. The only thing I had left to remind me of him was his pillow. 

I tightly wrapped my arms around it, hoping to get just a whiff of his cologne. But he had been gone so long, it was only faint. It wasn’t enough. Tears began streaming down my face. I tried to stop, but soon I was sobbing uncontrollably, my shoulders heaving so hard I was shaking the bed.

“Wommy why are you wrying?” 

I looked up to see little Edward standing at the foot of my bed. I tried wiping my tears away, but they wouldn’t stop falling. He crawled into bed, snuggling up next to me.

“I miss waddy,” he said softly, shoving his thumb in his mouth. 

I wrapped my arms around my son, taking a deep shaky breath. “I miss him too,” I whispered, brushing back his soft curls. “I miss him too.”

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