No Love Allowed

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Your POV

I stood  impatiently waiting for the guard to finish checking my purse. After being stripped of everything, including my dignity, I was completely fed up. I tapped the perfect heel of my stiletto against the hard linoleum floor, willing the guard to hurry, but to my luck that only made him go slower.

“Alright, You’re clear,” he grunted, handing me my purse. He tried to give me a smile, as if that would make up for the lost day I spent being searched. I shot him a scowl, then proceeded up to the window.

“Prisoner Number?” The officer at the window asked. He wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was staring down my dress. 

“323319,” I growled, shooting him a look. He immediately straightened up, then glanced down at his list. 

“You’ll have to wait, sweet cakes,” He said, grinning revealing his awful yellow stained teeth. “He already has a visitor, but you’re welcome to wait with me.”

“I’ll pass,” I spat. I quickly turned, so he wouldn’t see the shock in my face.

“Your loss baby,” he called behind me, but I ignored him.

I couldn’t believe that Harry had another visitor. I mean I am the only one who goes to see him, right? All the other boys had gotten busted with him, so who was he with? I made my way to the back of the room and settled down in the nearest chair. 

I tried to keep my hands and mind busy, by playing a few games of  Don't Touch The White Tiles on my phone, but I couldn’t shake the thought. I just had to know who was in there with Harry. After about ten minutes of waiting, the guard finally called my name. 

Took a deep breath and smoothed out my dress, then followed the guard through a series of doors. When we made it to the visitor’s room, I immediately spotted Harry. But as I looked closer, I noticed he was with a girl.

He hadn’t noticed I had walked into the room. He just sat there, his eyes never leaving hers. He had that look on his face; The one he only gives me. The guard lead me to the table. “Times up,” He called to Harry and the strange visitor.

Harry looked up at us, and for a moment I could see a look of shock on his face, but it soon passed, and he was calm again. The girl stood up and turned to leave, but right before she left, I saw it. That unmistakable necklace. The exact same one I had hanging around my neck. Instinctively, I reached up and ran my fingers over the words that were nestled in a ring of black diamonds, Harry’s calling card. 

My love. My everything.

I let my arms fall to my side, feeling diminished. My mind was a blur. I didn’t know what to think anymore. I stood there staring into space until Harry snapped me out of my thoughts.

“(Y/N), aren’t you going to sit down?” He asked, nodding to the chair across from him.

“How long Harry?” I shot back, ignoring his question.

“How long what?”

“How long have you been cheating on me?” I hissed, crossing my arms across my chest.

He paused for a moment, then began laughing. “(Y/N), are you okay?” He was staring at me like I was crazy. I shook my head fighting the tears away.

“Am I okay?” I snapped, raising my voice. “Of course, I’m not okay. Are you blind?”

“I don’t know what your problem is,” He muttered.

“You lying asshole,” I growled, throwing my arms up in the air. “How could I be so foolish? How could you do this to us? You think I wouldn’t recognize the necklace.”

I was so angry, but he just sat there emotionless. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this,” He sighed, his eyes never leaving mine.

“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” I asked, eyeing him sharply.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” I asked. When he didn’t reply, I continued. “Do you even have feelings? I come here every week for you and this is how you repay me. I got this dress for you, but you seem to could care less.”

He stared at me blankly, and I shook my head. “Fuck you Harry,” I yelled, and the whole room went silent. All eyes were on us. “You’re just a damn murderer.”

But before I could finish, a guard was already at my side. “Ma’am I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” he said. 

“Gladly,” I muttered, then followed him out. There are two things I learned that day.

1. Harry is an ass 

2. Love equals murder.

From now I follow one rule: NO LOVE ALLOWED!

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