Lost Ones

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For this Imagine, Harry is 18 and he isn't famous. Also, this is a long one :) ENJOY!!


You looked out the window watching the raindrops trickle down the window, as Harry turned the corner onto your street.

“(Y/N), (Y/N),” you faintly heard into the background slowly getting louder. The car stopped in your driveway. Harry turned off the engine and turned to look at you.  

“(Y/N) are you even listening to me,” Harry said. You could hear the aggravation in his voice.

 “(Y/N) I know you hear me talking to you,” he said voice rising. “You have been acting like this all week, and I’m sick of it,” he screamed making you shake in your seat still watching the raindrops not looking at him.  Harry sighed, “Get out,” said nonchalantly.

 “What,” you said finally hearing something he actually said.

 “Get out,” he yelled louder completely loosing his temper.

 “I’m pregnant,” you tell him stepping out of the car immediately getting soaked by the rain. You were cold and crying, but the rain hid your tears. You walked into the house not even bothering to lock the door.

 A few moments later Harry walked in the door, soaking wet. You just watched him as he paced back and forth in front of you, as you sat on the couch crying.

 “Baby we can’t be parents. We are still so young,” he said tears forming in his eyes, “How are we gonna raise a kid by ourselves. I’m only 18. Where am I gonna get that money? Where are we gonna live? I just can’t be a dad.”

 He threw out questions like you knew the answers, but you were just as lost as him. You started crying harder by how frustrated you were at this whole situation.

 “I refuse to bring my boy or my girl in this world, when I don’t have anything to give them. I don’t want it. Get rid of it,” he said projecting his voice completely ending the argument.

 “I bet it Zayn’s because I know it’s not mines. You two have been hanging out a lot lately. Don’t think I don’t see that you want him,” he accused you turning and walking away.

 “Of course it’s yours I haven’t been with anyone else. You were my first,” you pleaded with him.

 He called back flinching at you mentioning your virginity, “Whatever I’m leaving.”

 When he said that everything in you just snapped. “ You got the nerve to come up to me talking about abortion! It my body I can do whatever the hell I want to do with it! You have no say so,” You scream standing up walking over towards him. “All of you boys are the same. You said you loved me now your leaving me. You just said that so you could fuck me. I let you hit it without a condom. I’m so stupid! I fell for your bullshit.” You walked away you were just so frustrated. Harry chased after you into the kitchen.

 “If you don’t get rid of it I’m leaving,” he replied grabbing your wrist.

 You snatched your wrist away from him, “I don’t care if you don’t want this child, I am going to have it and I’m going to love it. You can’t take away my boy or my girl. You’re not God! I don’t care if you marry me or stay with me, I’m not getting an abortion.”

 By now you were in in Harry’s face and you were heated. “What about your father. He left your mom, and you hate him. Your not any different. How can you hate him and do the same thing,” you said then stormed off across the kitchen.

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