Pusher Lover Girl

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Personal Imagine for Diana2313


Harry's POV

I hovered over (Y/N), my lips lingering on hers. Her nails gently dragged down my back, and I gripped her waist tighter, pulling her closer. The feeling of her legs wrapping around me sent my body on overdrive, and I smiled against her lips.

"I missed you," she murmured softly, her hands moving to gently cup my face. Her thumbs caressed my cheek, and I leaned into her touch. "Did you have fun with the boys?"

I shrugged, bring my hand up so that my fingers were lazily drawing patterns on her arm. "It was cool," I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, enjoying the sigh that escaped her lips. "We just sat around and smoked some weed."Rolling over so that Diana was curled against my side, I sat up. "Not like I need weed to get high," I mumbled.

Her brows furrowed, and she looked at me. "You better not be doing any crazy ass drugs, Harry," she warned. Her lips twisted into a grim line, and I smiled, planting a reassuring kiss on her cheek. "I'm serious. I don't have time to deal with you starting up a crack or heroin addiction."

"I wasn't talking about drugs," I retorted, still smiling. "I was saying that as long as I got you, I don't need to smoke. Being around you gets me high enough" Diana grinned. "Really, bae?"

"Yeah," I brought her hand up to my face, gently kissing each of her fingertips. "I ain't gotta lie. You're my little pusher love girl."

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