Hot Tub

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Harry’s POV

I grabbed (Y/N)’s hips, pulling her closer to me. Her bikini left most of her body exposed, and I bit my lip as my eyes wandered up and down her curves. She slid onto my lap, her hands wandering over my bare chest. The water in the hot tub only seemed to grow hotter as (Y/N)’s lips met with mine. Her teeth gently tugged on my bottom lip, sending my body into overdrive.

My hands reached up to the back of her neck. I pulled at her bikini string, smirking when the material fell into the water. Her bare chest pressed into mine while her lips moved to my neck. She licked at the small droplets of water, her tongue raising goosebumps along my skin. My eyes closed and I tossed my head back, focusing on the feeling of her lips on my skin.

I slipped a hand into the bottoms of her bikini, grinning when I felt her gasp in surprise. Slowly, I slid a finger into her. Her hips ground into my hand, her legs beginning to shake as I pumped in and out. A slid a second finger inside, earning a moan of pleasure.

“What are you two doing?” I jumped in surprise at the sound of Louis’s voice. (Y/N) threw her arms over her chest, blushing in embarrassment. “Really guys? In the fucking hot tub?”

“We’re busy,” I murmured. I buried my face in the crook of (Y/N)’s neck, wrapping my around her. “Go away.”

“I can’t believe you two,” he muttered, turning around. “I come out here to relax, and this is what I see. Sweet Jeeshus.”

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