New Years Kiss

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This is an Imagine request for ayebabes42, I hope that you like it!!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!


Brooke POV-

You and your friend Allison had been standing out in the freezing cold all day. “Why did we have to be here in Time Square to see the ball drop? I would have been perfectly fine watching from the warmth of my house,” you complained, huddling close to Allison for warmth.

“Suck it up,” she snapped rolling her eyes at you. “We are here to see celebrities. Maybe we’ll get lucky and one of them can be our New Years kiss.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” you mouthed off at her scanning the crowd of people around you. “I highly doubt we—”

“Look over there,” Allison shouted cutting you off. She was so excited she slapped you in the chest. 

“What,” you snapped wrapping your arms around your now aching chest.

She didn’t answer you though she just grabbed your arm and lead you through the crowd of people to the railing.

“See look,” she announced pointing, but before she had even said anything you saw them. 

All you and Allison could say was “Damn,” when you saw One Direction decked out in their winter gear standing in front of you. But you weren’t focused on all the boys you had Harry in your sight, and by the looks of it he had you in his.

“Hey beautiful,” he smiles making you suddenly feel hot in this 30 degree weather.

“Hi,” you blush looking away from him. He gently reached down so lifting your chin, so that your eyes met his.

“There that’s better,” he smirked. “Now I can see your beautiful eyes.” You blushed again brushing loose hair behind your ear, but you never took your eyes off his and surprisingly his eyes never left yours either.

“Five. Four. Three,” you and Harry cheered. “Two. One. Happy New Year!” You were so caught up in the commotion that you didn’t realized you had thrown your arms around Harry.  

He wrapped his arms around you leaning down letting his lips brush up against yours. It startled you, but you liked it. You deepened the kiss hoping to let it last longer. When you finally pulled away, Harry spoke first.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what,” he stumbled, but a finger over his lips silenced him.

“Happy New Year Harry,” you smiled.

“Happy New Year!”, Harry shouted while walking away and winking

You smiled completely forgetting about Allison. As you were looking around, you saw her kissing Niall. Allision and Niall pulled away and they said and few words and slipped each other their numbers. You gasped while smiling at the thought of your friend meeting and kissing her favorite member of One Direction. *GIF*

You and Allison told each other how magical the kiss was and all through the night, you both were blushing.

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