I Like It

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Your POV

I threw the plate at Harry with a scream frustration. The blue china hit the wall sending small shards everywhere. Harry frowned at me, his jaw clenching and unclenching in anger. He opened his mouth to respond but just reclosed it.

“I’m sick of your shit,” I screamed. “I’m just sick of all your damn shit.” *GIF*

“Yeah, I’m sick of all your shit too!”

“Well why don’t you leave?” I screamed. His eyes met with mine, and for a moment, the two of us stood there in silence.

“Fine,” he said, raising his hands in surrender. “I’ll leave.”

He moved to exit the kitchen, but I ran towards him, blocking his exit. He looked at me distastefully, and I bit my lip.

“Don’t go,” I whispered.

“I thought that was what you wanted,” he said.

I shrugged. “I don’t want you to go; I know we fight alot, but I still love you.”

He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me softly. “Yeah, I love you too, baby,” he said softly.

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