Where Is My Love

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Personal Imagine for HazzaLover211994


Harry's POV-

I watched as Alyssa's face lighted up with joy as I fastened a brand new diamond pendant around her neck that matched her premiere dress perfectly.

“You shouldn’t have,” she gasped gently tracing the 10 carat diamonds around her neck. “You really didn’t.”

I wrapped my arms around her waist watching her examine herself in the mirror. “But you look so good in it,” I replied kissing her neck taking in the sweet smell of her perfume. “Plus I wanted to. I like spoiling my girl.”

I spun her around so that her chest was pressed with mine making her giggle as my hot breath tickled her neck. She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a kiss. When she pulled away, I rested my head against her forehead.

I let my thoughts take me a time back in the past when I was still asking Where is my love? Where is that one girl I can hold close forever. Then I met Alyssa and I can honestly say I truly loved her. I was so happy to have found that one special girl who I know loves me and won’t stop ‘til the day she dies. That one girl who and can spoil and give all she wants and even more. 

Alyssa's beautiful voice shot me back into reality. “Hello Earth to Harry. Anyone home,” she asked giggling and waving her hand in front of my face. “We’re going to be late,” she smiled grabbing my coat and handing it to me.

I watch her as she bounced around the room and I couldn’t help, but smile. There was just something about her. “What,” she asked me curiously when she caught me staring. “Is there something on my dress?”

“No you look perfect,” I grinned linking her fingers with mine and planting a kiss on her hand. “You know I love you right?”

“Of course big head,” she replied resting her head on my shoulder. “Come on or we’re gonna be late to your own movie premiere.” Man I love that girl. She tugged me out the door and we hopped into the limo to head off to the premiere.

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