Do You Know What You Had?

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Harry’s POV-

I eyed Cameron (Cameron Dallas) with distaste as he eyed me from across the bar. He had some blonde girl clinging to his arm, and even I could tell that she was annoying the hell out of him. I could tell that he was jealous of my date, but I honestly couldn’t give a fuck. It wasn’t my fault that he had fucked up with (Y/N).

As if on cue, she walked by, arm-in-arm with her best friend. She offered me a quick explanation on how they were going to the bathroom before disappearing in the back. I watched her as she left, frowning when someone stepped into my way.

“You need to stay away from her,” Cameron stated, his hands tightly clenched into fists. His lips were pulled into a frown, and I smiled at his cheap attempt at looking intimidating.

I took a sip from my glass, eyeing the guy with indifference. “Why?”

“Because she isn’t yours. She’s -”

“She’s what?” I questioned, cutting off his sentence. “I know she sure as hell ain’t yours. Do you even know what you had? (Y/N) is stunning and amazing, and it isnt my fault she left because you got caught screwing around.”

Cameron stared at me, his mouth agape in shock.

“Yeah, I just said that,” I shrugged. A sense of satisfaction was rising in me. “She told me about you; it’s a shame you missed out on a girl who is the most caring and respectful person that I have ever met.”

(Y/N) came out the bathroom, immediately kissing me on the cheek. “Hey baby,” she cooed. “You ready to leave.”

I gave Cameron a two-fingered salute before leading (Y/N) out of the crowded bar. I knew that Cameron was going to be pissed about me dating (Y/N), but as I said earlier, it wasn’t my fault he didn’t know what he had.


Now the GIF on the side has nothing to do with the imagine >_< Just thought that I would put it in here. Cameron Dallas is also baeee.

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