Strip Ball

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Personal Imagine for Peddieandcakeforever. She always comments and votes on my imagines and she participated in the game that I had. So once again, thank you for participating and getting the answer correct.


Harry makes a large show of going in for another layup on the fun sized basketball hoop he had in his room. Mia raised an eyebrow dramatically watching as the ball glides through the net. He cheers loudly causing you to snort.

“I can beat you,” Mia said casually.

“What?” he glances over at you as he dribbles the ball.

“I said that I could beat you,” Mia stood up from her spot on the bed.

“Alright,” he tosses her the ball. “Let’s play strip ball. Everytime I make a point you have to take something off; every time you make a point I have to take something off.”

Mia began to question the idea of playing his game, but when she saw his overconfident smirk, she knew that she couldn’t back down. So deciding to preserve herr dignity, she tossed the ball back to him and moved so that she stood directly in front of him.

“Let’s go.” Mia said.

Harry slowly dribbles the ball before taking off full speed to the hoop. It takes all her speed to keep up with him, and Mia groaned as he makes the layup. Sighing in anger, Mia took off an earring. He takes the ball out again this time moving slower. As Mia followed his movements, he starts to take off to the left, but before he can move, Mia stole the ball and spun around for the jumper.

“Swish!” Mia cheered as the ball lands in. “Take something off.”

Harry grits his teeth in frustration but takes his boot off. Mia took the ball out, and before Harry could even try to steal the ball, Mia shoot a three, grinning when it lands in the hoop. He kicks off his other boot growing more frustrated by the second. When she went to take the ball out, he grabs it from her and drives to the basket easily tossing it in.

“Take something off,” he says imitating her.

“Whatever, man,” she grinned as she took off her other earring. “I’m gonna win anyways.”

He shoots the ball cringing when it bounces off of the rim. Laughing at his expression, she caught the layup and shot, already knowing that the ball was going in. Harry sucks his teeth in irritation as he kicks off his socks. Mia took the ball out dribbling it low, and purposely showing off. Angered by herr performance, Harry steals the ball easily shooting a jump shot.

Knowing that the game was getting serious, she kicked off her Doc Matens with a frown. She wasn't going to let him win not after all that junk she talked.

Harry moves in for a layup easily making it before Mia even had a chance to try and block the shot. She threw her braclet off and played a harder defense. As he drives to the basket, she managed to the steal the ball and go up for another shot. Just as the ball was leaving her hands, he smacks it out of the way.

“Can’t take the heat? Get your ass out of the the kitchen,” he retorts as he goes to retrieve the ball.

He passes Mia the ball, and immediately she goes for a layup. As the ball lands in the net, she sees Harr sliding out of his shirt revealing his six-pack. Normally, she would take the time to enjoy the way his body looked, but right now she had a game to win.

Mia grabbed the ball and went in for another layup watching as another one of her shots when in. Harry, who was getting more irritated, yanked off his shorts leaving him in nothing besides his boxers. One more point and then Mia would won.

Mia took the ball in knowing that Harry was going to be playing harder than before. Mia attempt to shoot a three, but Harry steals the ball and goes in for the layup. Sighing, she took off herr shirt knowing that his eyes were on herr chest. He takes the ball and begins to shoot a three grinning when it lands in. Mia frowned and took off her shorts.

He goes for another a jump shot but Mia stole the ball and quickly shoot the layup. As the ball lands in, she cheered loudly watching as his face falls. He turns away from her as he slides out of his boxers.

“Where was the D?” you asked referring to his playing. (D as in defense) 

“It’s right here.” he turns around, and you pinch yourself to make sure you aren’t dreaming. Damn, he was big. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” you grin. “We should take this to the bed.”

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