It's Beautiful Harry

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Hiiiii guys :) Sorry that I haven't posted in a while. I'm busy with cheer and school work. I also have a sore throat which sucks ass but whatever :) I'm listening to all of the old 1D songs and I'm over here jumping around and singing to Live While We're Young. Too turnt up by myself >_< Anyway enjoy this imagine beautiful people!!! 


“Harry where are we going,” you grinned widely as Harry pulled you blindfolded into the unknown. It was a warm summer night and your boyfriend Harry had told you he wanted to show you something. You obediently stumbled along every twist and turn until Harry finally stopped.

“Here,” he said taking off your blindfold. 

“Oh my Gosh, Harry,” was all you could say when you got a view of the beautiful landscape around you. Harry had lead you under this beautiful willow tree that looked over the water. The full moon shined bright reflecting over the crisp blue water, while the fireflies danced in the night sky. 

“It’s beautiful,” you gasped wanting to take as much of the beauty in as possible.

“I wanted to take you somewhere special tonight,” he said playing with something in his pocket. For a moment he just stood there looking out at the sparkling water, then without warning he dropped to one knee pulling out a 3 carat diamond ring.

“Harry,” you whispered unable to create anything else audible. 

“I know it isn’t much (y/n), but it’s a start,” Harry continued. “I know I don’t have all the money in the world right now, but I promise to be the perfect man if you give me the chance to. I know your last boyfriend ended up leaving you for your best friend, but I promise I’ll never hurt you like that. I will always be honest to you and never make a fool out of you. From the day I first saw you I knew you were the one. So will you do the honor in being my wife?”

Harry’s speech had you in tears. You were so happy you couldn’t even think of anything else to say. You nodded your head and Harry slipped the ring on your finger. You smiled at how beautiful it looked on your finger. Harry wrapped his arm around your waist pulling you closer.

“I love you (Y/N),” he whispered gently lifting your lips to meet his. And in that moment you were truly and utterly happy. Afterall you were going to marry the man of your dreams.

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