"Stay Away From My Man"

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I'm backkkkkk (Only for today) I'm at my cousins house and she let me see her laptop :) I made this imagine kinda long because I haven't really been posting in awhile and I still have school tomorrow. 


You and Harry have been friends since you were in diapers. You were neighbors, but when he became famous you two didn’t talk as much. When you saw him at the show in Chicago, it was just like before. He was still the same old Harry. You two reminisced for hours after the show. 

“Omg Harry I missed you so much,” you say laughing that Harry still remembers your secret handshake.

“We are having movie night at our hotel tomorrow. You should come by we are watching our favorite movie,” Harry replied. 

“Of course I’ll be there. You know I love watching the Little Rascals,” you answer smiling at him.

“OK. I’ll text you the address,” he replies.

When you arrive to the boys’ hotel, you were surprised on how big it was. It was the penthouse suite on the top floor of the hotel. There was a full kitchen, living area, five separate bedrooms, and a balcony all in one room. As you step into the living room, you were surprised to see a strange girl sitting next to Harry. You eye her skeptically and walk over toward the boys.

“(Y/N) You finally made it,” he says wrapping you into a big hug. “You remember Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam.”

You nod you head,”Yea I remember you guys,” you reply acknowledging the various hellos each boy gave you. 

“Oh I almost forgot, This is my girlfriend Taylor (No not Taylor Swift but if you want it to be then go ahead),” he says moving aside so you could see his girlfriend. Taylor was tall and skinny with a nice body. She would have been pretty if it wasn’t for her slutty dress.

“Hi,” you say trying to be nice and ignore the dirty look she just gave you. Then,  you take your normal seat on the floor next to Harry. 

You wanted to go to the bathroom before the movie started, so you excuse yourself. As you come out of the bathroom, you run into Taylor. 

“Sorry,” you say trying to move past her to get back to the boys.

“Bitch, Stay away from Harry,” she growls at you, then turn and saunters back to Harry.


Even after movie night was over, you still couldn’t forget your confrontation with Taylor. She just met you and here she goes threatening you. The next morning you were awoken by a call from Harry. 

“Good morning sleepyhead,” Harry sings knowing good and well that he just woke you up.

“Harry,” you whine rolling over to check the clock. “Why did you have to wake me up so early?”
“(Y/N) it’s one o’clock. I can’t believe you are still sleep. I called to see if you wanted to get something to eat seeing as you just woke up,” Harry replies.

“You know I never wake up before one, Harry. But since you woke me up I guess I could use some food,” you say rolling over in your bed and heading towards the bathroom.

“Alright. I’ll be there in an hour,” Harry say and then hangs up the phone.


Harry pulls up to your house around two o’clock, and you two head to Taco bell. At Taco bell, Harry orders for you.

“Can I have a chicken quesadilla and two supreme tacos,” Harry says to the clerk.

“That will 12.50,” the clerk says taking Harry’s money.

When you and Harry get your food you take a seat in a booth near the back. You sit on one side of the table and Harry sits on the other. 

“I can’t believe you still remember my order,” you say taking a bite of your quesadilla.

“How could I forget? I always thought it was weird. You come to TACO bell and order a quesadilla,” he replied. “Man, I haven’t been in here in a minute. Taylor won’t set foot in here.”

You make a face of disapproval, but Harry sees you. “What was that face,” he drills you.

“Nothing Harry,” you reply trying to cover up the face you just made. “How did you two meet anyway?”

Harry glaces you over one more time before answering your question. “We met 6 months ago at Starbucks. I accidently ran into her and spilled my coffee all over her shirt. I helped her clean her shirt and offered to buy her another coffee. After that we sat and talked for hours. And that’s what happened. We’ve been together ever since.”

“You would end up spilling something on her,” you say laughing at Harry’s clumsiness.

“Shut up, (Y/N). I’m not even that clumsy,” Harry says playfully.

You and Harry were having so much fun. He took you to the park. You two spent hours goofing off.

“Let’s play the penis game Harry,” you say to him laughing at Harry almost falling off the bench.

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