Purple Kisses

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Long time no see, huh?? Sorry but it's summer and I kinda forgot about uploading. But anyway, I just found out that I'm going to six flags twice. Yassss, i'm so geeked ^.^  but anyway ENJOY!!!!


Harry’s POV

The whole night I eyed (Y/N) hungrily. Her body looked just right in that dress *Pic*, but damn her lips were on point. They were pouty, and every time she smiled I had the urge to kiss her until my breath ran out, but I somehow managed to control myself.

It wasn’t until I was driving her to her house that the urge to kiss her grew stronger. I managed to lead her to the front door while keeping my arm securely around her waist. She turned to tell me goodbye, and I felt my resolve break. Moving forward, I pressed my lips against hers. Her arms immediately wrapped around me securing my body to hers.

My hands wandered down her back until I had a firm grip on her ass. Her lips moved down to my neck licking and sucking me. Damn, she knew how to drive a man insane. Pulling her closer, I kissed her cheek not wanting to leave.

“Do you want to come inside?” she whispered suggestively.

My mind raced questioning the rationale in me sleeping with a girl who I barely knew, but when I imagined receiving more of those kisses, I knew that I was staying the night.

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