I Wanna Know

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Harry eyes you across the room watching you as you move and sway to the music. Every night you came in, drank some beer at the bar, then danced all night. And every night he would watch you and slowly fall in love with every little movement you made.

It was amazing how by just watching you he could be knocked off his feet. He could feel himself get weak whenever you walked by. He wanted to walk up to you, whisper in your seductively, and take you back to his place. He wanted to sit up with you have long conversations and listening to the countless stories you would tell him.

He imagined himself standing up to go dance with you. He would wrap his arms around waist and hold you close. You would rest your head on his chest and allow him to hold you until the end of time.

You walk away from the dance floor unaware of Harry’s eyes following you to the bar. You slide into the spot beside him, and it takes all of his control to not reach out and run his fingers through your shiny hair. As you quickly down your drink, you place your wallet on the table.

“Hey,” you say. “I see you here a lot.”

“Y-Yeah,” he muttered staring intently at his drink. “I like the atmosphere.”

You pause for a moment to play with one of your bracelets. “Me too,” you laugh loudly. *GIF* “It’s nice.”

He takes another sip from his drink watching you as you eye the dance floor. You begin to move away from the bar, and in act of bravery, he follows you.

“Are you finally planning on dancing?” you ask. “I know you watch me.”

He laughs, “Yeah, I thought that I’d join in the fun.”

“What’s your name?” You ask. “Or shall I just call you dark and mysterious.”

“Dark and mysterious is fine,” he jokes. “But I’m Harry.”

“I’m (Y/N),” you turn around to face him already beginning to sway your hips to the beat.

“Well, (Y/N), would you be interested in going on a date with me?” asks Harry. “I promise it’ll be worth it.”

“When you put it like that, I can’t refuse.”

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now