7 minutes In Heaven

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If you've ever watched Adventures In Babysitting (My All-Time favorite movie, next to Matilda) Then you've heard this song before. It's a old song.


Harry's POV-

“Let’s play 7 minutes in heaven,” Zayn lazily suggested. 

“Hey I got nothing to lose,” Niall added grimly. He glanced at his phone hoping his ex girlfriend would call, but she never did. 

“How do you play?” Liam asked.

“It’s simple,” Perrie, replied.  “You just put a bunch of girl names in one hat and a bunch of boy names in another hat.” 

“Then, you pick on from each hat,” Jade finished. “And you spend 7 minutes of miscellaneous fun in the closet.”

“What do you do in the closet?” Liegh-Anne asked.

“Whatever you want,” Louis smirked. “I’ll pick first.”

Louis reached into the girl’s hat, then unfolded the paper. “(Y/N),” He read, and I nearly passed out. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I had feelings for her, and picturing her in a closet with any of the other guys made me sick.

I took a deep breath preparing myself for the next hat. “I hope it’s me,” Louis said, smirking at (Y/N) as he drew the next name. 

“Aww,”Louis muttered. “It’s Harry.”

I gasped, mentally thanking God she wasn’t with anyone else. But before I could even finish my thought. Perrie grabbed (Y/N) and my hands and threw us in the closet.

“7 minutes starts now,” She smiled, then slammed the door shut leaving the two of us alone in darkness.

“W-we don’t have to do anything, if you don’t want to,” I stuttered, my hands suddenly growing clammy.

“But I want to,” (Y/N) replied. I could hear her shifting in the darkness until I felt her breath against mine. 

She took my hands and wrapped them around her waist. “Are you sure—” I began, but (Y/N) cut me off.

“Shhh,” she whispered, closing the space between us. I felt myself growing warm, as (Y/N)’s tongue danced with mine. I gently slid my hand up her shirt as she stumbled back into the coats. I would have gone further, but when I felt the edge of her bra I chickened out.

“Harry,” She whispered, and I could hear the smile in voice. “Don’t be shy.”

She placed my hands on top of her chest, and I began massaging them. She let out a small moan, as I began placing small kisses down the side of her neck. I slipped off her shirt wrapping her legs around my waist. I was about to dip my hands into her treasure, when I heard the closet door open.

“7 minutes is—,” Perrie announced, but gasped in horror, when she realized what she had walked in on. 

“Harry you dirty ass,” Zayn cackled, holding his sides because he was laughing so hard. “Get my mate a cookie; He hit second base!”

I shrugged nervously, running my hands through my hair. (Y/N) blushed quickly throwing her shirt back on. We walked out of the closet ignoring the shock on everybody’s faces. 

“So are we going to finish this or what?” (Y/N) smirked, lust filling her eyes. “Because I know I wasn’t finished.”

“Yeah,” I replied, taking her hand and leading her away from the crowd. “Let’s finish what we started.”

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