Valentines Day

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Your POV

“There’s a package here for you,” Maya, my roommate, called from the doorway.

I stumbled into the living room, unaware of what I was getting myself into. “Umm I think it’s from Harry,” she giggled, stepping aside to reveal a huge human sized box, that was hiding behind her.

“I told him I didn’t want him to go all out for Valentine’s day,” I sighed. I circled around the box, curious to find out what it was.

“Open it,” Maya demanded. She was getting impatient. I rolled my eyes at her, and began ripping off the wrapping paper and bow.

I peered into the box only to find a small note and a pair of heels at the bottom of the box. “Really Harry,” I sighed, pulling out the note. I sighed heavily, then began reading. “Ha ha, I got you (Y/N)! You probably thought it was me in the box. Well I’m too sexy! NO BOX CAN CONTAIN ME! That’s why I’m outside.”

“What?” I exclaimed, eyeing the note curiously. 

“What does it say?” Maya asked me, moving around me so that she could get a better view of the note.

“It says Harry is outside,” I replied, staring at her in confusion.

“He’s outside?”


“Then go check,” She exclaimed, pushing me towards the door. I threw open the door to find Harry standing outside our house with no shirt on and a bouquet of roses in hand.

“Happy Valentine’s day Baby! Did you get my package?” He asked, handing me the bouquet of flowers. 

“They’re beautiful,” I smiled, admiring the smell of my favorite flower. “And yes I got your package. But why were there heels in the box?” 

“Because that’s all you’ll be wearing tonight,” he smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

He leaned forward bringing his lips to mine. “Happy Valentine’s day baby,” he whispered, picking you up, then carried you back into the house.

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