Trading Places

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You smiled as you pulled up to Harry's house. Tonight things were different. You would be the one taking him out. You strolled up to the door and rang the doorbell. You smiled when he finally answered looking fine as always.

“Why are we doing this again,” you questioned escorting Harry back to your car.

“Is this how you greet people,” he retorted grinning as he stood in front of the passenger side door. You rolled your eyes at him and open the door, but the clearing of Harry’s voice stopped you. 

“What,” you asked taking your one foot out the door. 

“Aren’t you gonna open the door for me,” he smirked nodding his head towards the unopened door. “I always do it for you.” You reluctantly walked around to the other side of the car and threw open the passenger door.

“Happy,” you scoffed returning back to the driver’s side, but Harry didn’t respond he just sat there grinning.

You smiled as you watched Harry strut around in your t-shirt from the other night. His fresh curls were now ruined. You smiled when he returned with breakfast in bed and a hot cup of Folders. 

“You should do this more often,” you suggested taking a sip of your hot coffee. You watched as he threw open the blinds to start the new day. “I like trading places.”

“I do too,” he replied climbing back into bed next to you. “If it means I get to sit back and let you to all the work.”

You playfully punched him in the arm rolling your eyes at him. “Shut up. I do work,” you frowned.

“Sure you do,” he retorted resting his head on your chest. “Let’s trade places again.” 

“Maybe,” you replied shooting him a look. “Maybe. *GIF*

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