Please Don't Go

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Harry’s POV

(Y/N) laid her head on my chest. I smiled in satisfaction tracing the lovemarks I had left on her silky brown skin. “Man that girl is freaky,” I thought shaking my head. 

“I love you, (Y/N). You know that right,” I asked kissing her forehead gently. “Stay with me tonight.”

“You know I can’t Harry,” (y/n) replied. “Oh crap it’s 11 o’clock. I have to go. My dad’s gonna kill me.” She hopped out of bed and began to quickly put on her clothes. I watched her growing colder missing the feeling of her warm skin against mine.

“Why do you stay with him if he hits you? You know what he’s like when he’s drunk,” I said sitting up to put on my boxers. 

“He’s my dad. He’s the only family I have,” she replied fixing her hair into a tight bun on the top of her head. “Alright bye Harry.” She reached for the knob to leave, but I quickly got up and stopped her.

“But you have me. I love you (Y/N),” I exclaimed.

“Yeah but,” she started, but I cut her off.

“Let’s run away together. Just get in my car and drive. You can finally get away from you father,” I say getting excited over the thought.

“That’s crazy Harry and you know it. We can’t just leave,” she explained. I frowned at her rejection to my brilliant plan. 

I lead her back over to the bed. “Well at least just stay with me tonight. I promise I’ll protect you,” I pleaded.

I could see her thinking about it. I hated seeing her come to me with bruises on her body. I wanted to keep her safe. “Baby please don’t go,” I begged.

She silently slipped off her shoes and climbed into bed next to me. She laid her shoulder on my chest and closed her eyes.

“Just for night,” she yawned.

“I love you (y/n),” I whispered gently brushing the loose strands of her hair from her face. 

“I love you too Harry,” she whispered drifting off to sleep safely in my arms.

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