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This is a personal Imagine for xBritishBreakfastx. She has been wanting a personal imagine for the longest and I really appreciate her patience. Much Love, xoxo.


Adriana POV-

I carefully bounced my daughter, Darcy, on the side of my hip struggling to find the phone. When I finally grabbed a hold of it, I quickly picked it up.

“Hello,” I sighed heavily, balancing the phone on my ear as I headed into the kitchen to make Darcy,  a snack.

“Hey baby,” Harry said, his voice ringing through the phone.

“Hey Harry,” I smiled, glad for the unexpected call. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to hear your voice,” He replied, a hint of sadness in his tone.

“Oh, Is everything alright?” I asked, raising my eyebrows although he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah, I just missed you and wanted to tell you thank you,” he replied.

“Thank you?” I repeated, setting Darcy down. “For what?”

“For being just being with me from the beginning, and for doing all that you do. You work so hard with your full time job, and you still always manage somehow to take care of the Darcy while I'm on tour. You had to put up with pregnancy with me not being there and through all this you never complained, not once,” He explained, bringing a smile to my lips. “And plus you always look cute. No matter the occasion you will always be the most beautiful girl ever.

Darcy began tugging on my pant leg.  I didn't even see her get up. “Mommy, Is that daddy? Can I talk to him?” She begged.

“Darcy wants to talk to you,” I smiled, handing Darcy the phone.

“Daddy I miss you! When are you coming home?” She cried, sad but excited to be talking to her father.  

When she finished, she handed you the phone back. “When are you coming home? Darcy and I miss you,” I said, my smile fading.

“Soon, I promise,” He replied. “I miss my Queen and Princess.”

“So I’m your Queen now?” I asked, raising my brows at the new title. “Alright.”

“Yup" I heard him laugh on the other end. “And when I get home I’m going to make love to the most beautiful girl alive .”

“And who is that?”

“You,” he replied, and I could hear him smiling on the other end.

“I love you Harry,” I smiled.

"I love you too baby"

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now