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Somebody dared me to write about things that you all do that really ticks me off so here goes (and if you get mad I honestly don't care)






Stop asking me to do part 2's because I'm not gonna do it and stop asking me why. (Because its my fucking imagines and I can do whatever the hell I want) 

 I'm sick of people assuming that I stole some stuff and it's really getting irratating. I don't steal, I kill >_< 

And let me not get started on the personal imagines. Everytime I give someone a personal Imagine they say "Awwwww thank you xoxo But can I get another one and this time can be even cuter." and everytime, I just read that message and move on with my life.

Now it's not everybody that do that but it's a majority of you.

Oh and lets not forget "When are you gonna update" "UPDATE!!!!!" "So are you gonna update or nah". Will you shut up or nah??? Cause that gets so irratating like frfr.

Lets not forget "What does GIF mean?" Do I look like Google? No. okay then stfu and go Google that shit. All imma say is "The moving picture/video on the side"

Lets not forget the 'let me follow you and then unfollow you' thing. Like no, I know when somebody unfollows me because I follow the exact same amount of people that follow me. So your gonna get unfollowed. Like I can easily find you. DF!!

Oh and the little sarcastic comments, yeah your not fooling anybody, I'm not slow -.- "This imagine is so short, literally took me 10 seconds to read it but its cute. Can I get a personal Imagine?" No Bitch, Nooooooo.

OMFG SHOUT-OUTS >_< "Why isn't my name in there!?!? I liked your imagines and commented". Really?? Commenting "Hi" and liking two imagines isn't going to give you a shout-out. Your not the real MVP.

Bruh, don't get me started on personal shout-outs. Like it's not really a bother to me to do those but if you ask me to shout-out a book of yours and it only has 3 chapters and 1 page, then we have a problem. No one is going to read that!!! I don't like to read books under the chapters of 20 so why would I shout you out???

And don't try to educate me on my imagines. Like I already go to school for that. "Did you know that bae mean poop in Dutch?" Umm yayyyy, thanks for the info. 


Send me some more questions or dares and I will surely do them :) I will also try to make it funny :)

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