Play Concert

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Hey you guys :) I want to give a huge shoutout to one of the best writters on Wattpad, Koolaidkrusade. I am in love with her book Dust Bones and if you haven't read it already, go and read it because I was so into it and its really good. Like no lie :) Go comment and vote on her story because its really great. I'm also reading her other book called Mercy and I am in serious love with that book. As a matter of fact, go read  all of her books and comment, vote, share, add to your library. Because you will get into it just like I did :) :) :) :)


Your POV

“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” I giggled, adjusting my leather jacket.

“It was Darcy’s idea,” Harry replied, holding up his hands in defense.

“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this,” I shot back.

“How can I not? You look so sexy in those pants,” He smiled, smacking my butt. “But they would look even better on the floor later tonight.”

I rolled my eyes at him, as Darcy, our 4 year old daughter, walked in. “Mommy. Daddy. Come on,” She whined, tugging at my hand. “The audience is getting rowdy.”

You made a face at Harry wondering how your daughter got such a vocabulary. “She got that from you,” Harry mouthed, shrugging his shoulders at you.

Darcy lead the two of you into the living room, where a makeshift stage was set. You smiled noticing how Darcy had set up her little stuff animals for the show. “I made sure to leave the thirsty ones in my room,” she proudly announced, then skipped off to the stage.

“The thirsty ones?” You repeated, eyeing Harry.

He shrugged his shoulders, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I have no idea where she go that from,” he muttered, following behind Darcy.

You shook your head taking your assigned spot as lead guitarist, while Harry settled behind his keyboard. Darcy then took the mic. 

“I’m Darcy, and we are The Darcy Connection,” she yelled, at the imaginary audience. You smiled, as you heard Harry play the familiar notes to a familiar song, and Darcy began singing the words. You stared in disbelief, when Darcy began rapping Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air.

“Now, this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the princess of a town called Bel Air,” she rapped, not even missing a beat. 

You smiled at the fact that she changed 'Prince' to 'Princess'


When the show was over, you threw your arms around Darcy. “That was amazing! Where did you learn that from?” You said, smiling widely.

“Daddy taught me,” She smiled. 

“My little star,” Harry proudly cheered, high fiving Darcy. “Now go clean this up.”

You watched as Darcy ran off, still singing. “That little girl has so much drive and talent,” You sighed, as Harry sat down next to you. “She gets that from you.”

“But she gets her brains and looks from her mother,” He smiled, wrapping his arm around your waist.

“I love you Harry,” you smirked, resting your head on his shoulder.

“I love you too.”

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