Blind Date

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Confession #2

I've always wanted to say "Hi, I'm Karla from _____ and your watching Disney Channel" and then make the disney logo :) 


Harry’s POV

I sat at the table nervously tapping my fingers against the wooden table. Some chick in a red dress sang softly into the mic while the saxophonist played a complex melody. Several people chattered quietly only half-listening to the singing. My eyes nervously scanned the room as I waited for my date to arrive.

“Hello,” a young woman with hair pulled in a loose ponytail stood beside my table. She held a half empty cup of coffee in her hand and a pair of car keys in the other. “Are you Harry?”

“Yeah,” I stood up nearly knocking the table over. The two of us both reached to grab the table at the same time awkwardly bumping into each other. I apologized nervously sending her a small smile. “You must (Y/N).”

“That would be me,” she said smiling.

“Wait, wait,” I said trying to calm down from my recent fit of laughter. “You met Niall because he had gone streaking through your backyard?”

“Oh my gosh,” she shook her head. “We were only six at the time, but it was still one of the most awkwardest moments of my life!”

“He seems to have an obsession with running around naked,” I added. “I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve accidently walked in on him while he was wearing nothing but his birthday suit.”

(Y/N) laughed her nose crinkling up in the cutest way possible. I smiled at her enjoying her easy company. I wasn’t the type of guy who was into the idea of going on a date with someone I had never met, but I was glad that Niall talked me into meeting his friend.

“Oh man,” (Y/N) checked her watch frowning when she read the time. “I have a business meeting. I got to go. Call me sometime, OK?”

I eyed the phone number a silent grin stretching across my face. I knew that when I got home I was going to call her to set up another date.

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