I'm pregnant

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Your POV

“Babe,” Harry called, and I immediately ran over to my computer screen.

"Harry,” I exclaimed, my smile growing wider. “How’s New York?” 

He had been gone for months, and our skype dates are the only time I get to see him. “Good. It’s great to see the fans, but I miss you babe,” He sighed.

I nervously played with my keyboard, as I updated him with what was going on back here in America. “Your mom and I went shopping the other day,” I added, looking away from him.

“(Y/N) is something wrong?” He asked. I took a deep breath trying to find the right words.

“Remember the night you left?” I asked, looking back at the screen.

“Yeah,” He smirked, biting his lip. “You were a little freak that night.”

“Well,” I began, swallowing hard. “This little freak is pregnant.”

“What?” He said, his face falling. “Are you sure?” *GIF*

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I replied. “Anne had me take like 10 pregnancy tests.” 

He went silent, and it nearly killed me. “I’m sorry, Harry,” I sniffled, wiping away a few tears. “I still have a week before I hit three months. I can still get a…you know…”

“What? No.” He replied sharply, snapping out of his daze. “I don’t want you to do that. I want to keep it.”

“You want to be a father?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

“Yeah,” He smiled. “When I get back we can find out if it’s a girl or a boy.”

“I’m sure it’s a boy,” I replied, smiling at my baby bump.

“It’s a girl. I can feel it.” 

Harry’s POV

“I’m going to be a father guys,” I yelled out to the crowd. The look on the guys’ faces was priceless. I hadn’t told anyone since (Y/N) told me, but I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. 

When we got offstage, the boys showered me with congratulations. “Congrats mate,” Liam cheered, patting me on the shoulder.

“Are you going to pop the question?” Zayn asked, settling on the couch.

I sat down next to him, fiddling with something in my pocket. “Well I got a ring just in case,” I smiled admiring the diamond. 

“Wow, who would’ve thought little Harry would be the second one to get married,” Louis sighed, shaking his head. 

“I know,” Zayn smiled. “He’s growing up.”

“Do you know what you are going to name it?” Niall asked.

“Nope, when we get back we’re going to find out the sex,” I admitted, smiling dumbly.

“Which do you want?” Liam asked.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter it’s my kid. I love it already,” I smiled, and I meant it too.

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