All Over Again

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Surprise Shout-outs!!!!!!!!!  As always, these are the people who showed the most love. Voting, commenting, etc :) These are also the people who participated in the game that I had. So thank you:

LillyJames123, SarahBeasley802, xBritishBreakfastx, Katie4Nathanskyesx,

Omlet_rox,  Morgan_Hood_,  SarahBeasley802,  Inspiring_Words,

Peddieandcakeforever,  xBritishBreakfastx,  Kayra5,  Sparkleros,  Marmatz,

Teenage-Dirt-bag,  Kaydee_styles10,  _Dana4, Harrysbootay, Narryuh,

LoraJamaleddine,  EmilyGraceStyles,  Rachel_Styles10124,

Bradsjaffacackes,  Sammy_E_Styles,  StrawberryBreyy,

xJulieeeeeeeeex,  EatingWiith1D,  Thrustingwithharry,  HarryCupcake99,

AndiHandruleeanu,  CelineMaalouf


 Harry's POV-


I leaned against my locker, running my fingers over my chain, the one I had given to (Y/N). I could see her from where I was standing, and I knew she saw me too. But she tried to play it off like she didn’t know I would be watching.

I laughed. She even wore my favorite dress, the one that accentuates her body in every way possible. I smiled, remembering the day she first got it and the way it looked on the floor of my bedroom. For a brief moment, her eyes met mine, and that was enough for me to go talk to her.


I strode over to her little circle of friends, not even caring that I was probably interrupting something. “Are you done?”


She crossed her arms across her chest, scoffing with distaste. “Excuse me.” Her crew eyed me with disapproval, but I didn’t care.


“Don’t act like we haven’t been here before. Nothing has changed.” She rolled her eyes.


“I don’t know what you are talking about.”


“You know damn well what I’m talking about,” I growled. “It’s the same game.”


“I’m sick of this, Harry.” She pursed her lips together in a way that she knew was irresistible.


I smirked, shaking my head. “Okayyyy"


A smile spread across her face. “You’re supposed to leave now,” She replied, and one of her friends groaned.


“Just take him back already. You know you want to,” Her friend commented, but I ignored her.


“What if I don’t want to?”


She smiled, taking another step closer. I could hear one of her friends in the back. “I swear I don’t understand these two. One minute they’re together. The next they aren’t. Make up your mind.”


“So are you ready to wear my chain again?”


She smiled, and I slid my chain back onto it’s rightful spot on (Y/N)’s neck. I wrapped my arm around (Y/N)’ s waist, ignoring the shocked look on her friends’ face. “Why must you do this?” I asked, leading her away from them.


“I just like fighting with you,” She admitted, leaning her head on my shoulder. “It’s what makes our love interesting.”


“That how you know I love you. Because I’m willing to put up with this all over again if I have to.”


“But you did lie,” She reminded me, and I shook my head.


“Do you really want to start this again?”


She smirked, biting her lip. “No…but…”

“But nothing,” I finished. She pouted, but I ignored her. God that girl drives me insane, but I can’t help it. I love her.

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