All That I Am

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Omfg, I haven't posted in like FOREVER. I am soooooo sorry but I'm here now. I already graduated, like a week ago and I have to go to camp monday :( and I can't bring my phone or laptop. In plus I have to stay there overnight for a whole week. Having no technology, is like the end of the world. I can't even go a day without using technology. But enough about me, enjoy the imagine :)


Your POV

I carefully traced my fingers down the curve of Harry’s neck. “Do you have to go?” I pouted, my fingers busying themselves with the edge of his shirt. In the back of my mind I knew, that if he left he would be going back to his girlfriend, but it still hurt to see him leave.

“You know I can’t miss this,” He sighed, pushing me away from him. “I can’ t be late, but I promise, when I get back…”

I closed the space between us, tugging at his belt buckle. “Please Harry,” I cried, running my fingers over his chiseled chest. “I need you.” I began planting small kisses down the side of his neck, and I could feel him softening to my touch.

“Babe,” he moaned, as I slipped my hand into his pants. “(Y/N) please, I have to go.”

I slid his shirt off his body, exposing his chest. I bit my lip admiring his body. “I need you, Harry,” I whispered, my voice brimming with lust.

He picked me up, carrying me over to the couch. I wrapped my legs around his waist, smirking at my accomplishment. “Oh you’re going to get in now,” He smirked, roughly tugging off my shorts. I threw my head back in pleasure as he entered inside me. Small moans began escaping my mouth, as his pace increased. I could feel myself growing weak, as I neared my climax.

With one final stroke he sent us both over the edge. “Shit, maybe I should stay over here more often,” He panted, still struggling to catch his breath.

I watched as he slid back into his clothes, and prepare to leave again. Even after I gave him all of me, all that I am, He still is going back to her. I frowned, ashamed to look at him anymore. “See ya later,” he smiled, kissing me on the forehead, before he left. “Maybe we can finish what we started, when I get back.”

“Maybe,” I sighed. He was about to leave, but I stopped him. “I love you, Harry.”

He paused for a second, and I feared he wouldn’t say it back. *GIF* “I love you too,” He replied, glancing up at me. Then he left. He didn’t mean it, but it was enough to just hear him say it.

Harry Styles Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now