Boy or Girl

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Harry sat on the bed tickling your baby bump. You were 3 months pregnant and you weren’t sure what the sex of the baby was. “If it’s a boy. He’s gonna get all the ladies,” Harry smiled slowly tracing small circles on your baby bump.

“How are you so sure,” you asked curiously gently running your fingers through his hair. Harry sat up quickly looking offended.

“I mean he’s my son,” he said defensively. “I’m gonna teach him all the tricks.” Harry laid back down smiling at the ceiling. “Yeah when I’m done he’s gonna have to fight them off in herds.” 

“You better not be teaching my boy how to pick up no hoes,” you giggled plucking his nose. “Besides what happens if it’s a girl.” You could tell by the awkward paused before he answered that he was a little uneasy about that subject.

“I don’t know, (Y/N),” Harry sighed looking up at you as you lightly brushed the top of his head with your fingers.  “I mean I don’t know how to raise a daughter.”

You smiled. “I’m sure when the time comes you’ll be ready Harry,” you comforted gently kissing Harry on the forehead. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer. You leaned in to fill the gap between you and kissed him lightly. 

“I love you Harry,” she smiled rubbing you baby bump.

“I love you too, (Y/N),” he grinned. “And our boy or girl.”

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