Hold My Hand

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Your POV

I sat on the cold hard ground hoping I would die. Living on the streets is no way to live. Never knowing where your next meal is coming from or where you are going to sleep next. It’s terrifying. 

I watched as the people passed me ignoring the sad teenager sitting in front of them. Some are kind and drop money in my little cup, but most don’t, they just pass by, pity in their eyes thankful that it’s not them.

I sank into the darkness hoping this would end, but a voice caught my attention. “(Y/N),” someone called. My eyes searched the crowd around me, then I saw him.

"Harry,” I squinted eyes focusing on the boy standing in front of me. I used to have a crush on him back in grade school. I haven’t seen him since he moved. I guess he’s back. He looks good. Suddenly I feel embarrassed. I glanced down at my rags feeling ashamed to be standing in front of him like this.

“What happened to you,” he asked. I could hear the pity in his voice and I couldn’t bare it. I didn’t want to be his charity case. 

“My mom got cancer. After she died, the bills were too expensive to handle. Especially after my dad got laid off,” I replied cooly. I didn’t want to met his gaze. I was ashamed.

He gently lifted my chin so that my eyes met his gaze. His eyes were sad, but there was love behind that sadness. “When, I left I was mad for months at myself that I never had the chance to tell you how I felt,” he confessed his eyes never leaving mine. “I’ve loved you ever since the day I met you, and nothing has changed.”

I look away trying to process what he was saying, then I look back. I can see the sincerity in his eyes. He leans down pressing his lips against mine. For a moment I let myself slip away into the warmth of the kiss, but then panic rose within me. I quickly pulled away from him, my eyes avoiding his concerning gaze. 

Tears began slipping down my face. “I can’t,” was all I could manage to get out.

“I’ve been in your position before,” he confesses. This comes to a shock to me. I glance up at him, noticing the pain that he was hiding before. “I know that it gets dark and it seems impossible to find the light.”

I stare at him for a moment analyzing the boy I thought I knew. Apparently I didn’t. “Being miserable alone sucks,” he continued. “But I promise though if you take my hand I will do everything in my power to make this better.” I stared helplessly at his outstretched hand wondering if I should take it. 

“Why should I trust you,” I questioned him eyeing him carefully.

“Because I know what it’s like to be alone,” he replied his gaze never leaving yours. 

You reaching down lacing your fingers with his. “Okay now what,” you shuddered. It felt strange taking help from Harry, but something about it also felt right.

“Now things get better,” he smiled. I followed as he lead me down the street towards his house. Things were finally looking up.

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