The Recording

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*Personal Imagine for HazzaLover211994*


Harry’s POV-

Niall grinned as he looked at me, and Louis burst into a loud fit of laughter, grabbing the edge of the sofa for support. Liam looked at me with pity before returning his attention to the TV.

“Does Alyssa scream loud every time y’all have sex?” Niall asked, nudging Louis with his elbow. “Does she always scream "Oh Harry, faster’”

Raising an eyebrow, I leaned forward. “How the fuck do you guys know that?”

“You don’t know!” Louis cried, laughing even harder. “How do you not know!?”

“Leave him alone, guys,” Liam halfheartedly came to defense despite the smile that was beginning to form.

“What do you mean ‘I don’t know’?” I asked.

Wordlessly, Louis went into his phone, pulling a youtube video. I eyed him curiously, but leaned over to watch the video. About two seconds into the video, I heard the sounds of Alyssa's screaming out my name along with the occasional screams of ‘Faster’ along with my moans. My eyes widened in horror, and I clenched my fists in anger when I recognized my daughter’s giggle.

“How many views does this have?” I asked, massaging my temples.

Niall burst out in laughter, and even Liam joined in. “You fools got 3 million views,” Liam muttered, flipping through the channels. “And that isn’t including the second video.”

“There are two videos!” I screamed, leaping up from my seat. Without saying anything to the boys, I grabbed my coat, storming off to the door.

“Where ya going Harry?” Niall called out, grinning.

“I’m going to kill my daughter!”

After a few seconds of silence, I heard the boys call out “bye Harry! Run "faster" ” in a bad impression of Alyssa’s voice.

“Shut the fuck up!” I yelled, narrowing my eyes. “This shit ain’t funny!”

There was another moment of silence before I heard Louis’s voice call out to me in a mocking tone:

“Oh yea, right there!”

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