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Harry's POV


That's the only thought that's running through my mind. And it's there because (Y/N) is sitting on my lap, playing with my curls, while giggling. Granted, she's drunk which means that it's only the liquor that's making her so flirtatious, but still.. she's on my lap for God's sake.

Her fingers ghost down my face before gently tracing my bottom lip, and I can feel myself getting hard. My eyes meet with hers, and she's staring at me with so much intensity that I'm damn sure that I can't be the only one who's feeling all the sexual tension. But before I can even think of something to say to her, her lips are on mine.

Oh fuck...

Did she just unzip my pants? Yes... I think she just unzipped my pants.

Deciding that if the two of were going to do this I would need to at least touch her somewhere, I grab her hips, pulling her closer to me. Her leisurely drags along my bottom lip, and I part my lips, inviting her in. As our kiss grew more heated, I could tell that this was most definitely going to end with the two of us in my bed. And I'm not going to lie, that mental image made me so fucking happy.

I stood up, enjoying the way it felt with (Y/N)'s legs wrapped around my waist. Her hands were back to playing with my curls, and I damn near died. My legs managed to somehow get the pair of us back to room, and I wasted no time in getting the two of us to the bed. Immediately, she smiled up at me in that way  that always managed to make me momentarily forget where I was.

"Holy shit," she whispered, her eyes wide with excitement. "Are we doing this right now?"

Smiling, I toyed with the ends of her pajama shorts. "Only if you want to... I don't want to fuck up our friendship."

For a second, the two of us remained silent. I wondered how I would go back to being just friends with her after this night. How could I sit next to her at football games knowing that the only thing going through my mind would be the way she and I fucked at my house during one of our monthly sleepovers? How could I go back to pretending that I only liked her as just a friend?

(Y/N) grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. Her lips twisted upwards in that devious smirk, and she brought my lips back to hers. "I fucking love you, Harry," she murmured. "And I don't care what happens; I want you to know that, and I want you to know that I am 100% OK with you fucking me tonight."


I wasn't expecting that. Hell, I wasn't even expecting her to kiss me tonight, yet here we were. Somehow, I had gotten lucky.

"That's good," I mumbled, running my hands over the smooth expanse of her stomach. "'Cause I might be in love with you, too.

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