Not Exactly My First Time

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Harry’s POV

I sat on the bed, with my arms folded across my chest. I could feel my anger with the boys rising especially since they had told (Y/N) that I wasn’t a virgin when we hooked up. I had made sure to tell them that she wasn’t supposed to know about the previous girls I had been with, but of course, they decided to ignore me, and confess everything to her the minute they had gotten her alone.

“Why would you even lie to me?” she asked, her bottom lip quivering. My heart broke in half to see how hurt she was, and I averted my gaze. “Were you cheating on me? Did you hook up on with them girls while we were dating?”

Lowering my eyes, I focused on my shoelaces. “Baby, you know I love you, right?”

“Answer my question, Harry!” she yelled. 

“No, OK!” I yelled, the lie nearly choking me. “I didn’t cheat! All them girls were before we were even dating!”

She took a deep breath, struggling to remain calm. “Then why did you lie? If you were with them before you were with me, why would you lie?” *GIF*

“I knew how important it was for you, and I didn’t want to screw that up,” I mumbled quietly. I still couldn’t bring myself to look her in the eyes.

(Y/N) sighed, and she sat beside me, her legs  draped across my lap. Her fingers gently traced my jawline before her lips teasingly kissed the corner of mine. Guilt was eating away at me, but I forced myself to wrap my arms around her as though nothing was wrong.

“It’s OK,” she whispered softly. I wanted to tell her the truth and let her know that I didn’t  deserve her forgiveness, but I just held her tighter, wishing that the shame and guilt would go away.

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