Somewhere In Brooklyn

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Harry’s POV

“I’m sick of you, Harry,” (Y/N) yelled, throwing her fork at me. I barely dodged to utensil but when I lifted my head back up, she was in my face. “Who is Tiffany?”

Groaning, I reached out to grab her hands, but she yanked them away. “I’m sorry,” I offered. “Baby, don’t go!”

She ignored me, stomping around the kitchen as she grabbed her jacket.  She yanked open the door, stepping out into the hallway. “I’m out of here.” *GIF*

“Where are you going?” I yelled. I chased her into the hallway of the apartment building, not caring that I only had on a pair of boxers. “Baby, c’mon.”

“I’m going to Brooklyn,” she called back. “Just stay away from me.”

I was stupid.

Now, I was out at the subway station, hoping I’d see her. I had been checking every corner stop, asking people if they had seen her. And I’d always give the same description, “21 years old, wears a lot of leather, and loves gold.”

As I eyed the crowded station, my heart pounded. There she was.

“(Y/N),” I grabbed her hand, my heart breaking when I saw how coldly she looked at me. “I’m so sorry.”

“Harry,” she sighed. “I can’t handle this right now.”

I grabbed her other hand, pressing her knuckles to my lips. I couldn’t lose her again. “Come home. I’m sorry. I need you.”

Her eyes wandered back and forth between me and the train. “I can’t. I’m sorry; not after you hurt me.”

“Next stop, Brooklyn,” the train monitor spoke in its annoying voice, and I sighed. “Next stop, Brooklyn.”

“(Y/N), please-”

But she was already stepping onto the train. I moved to get on behind her, but the doors closed, sealing me off from her. Heartbroken, I watched the train pull away. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. The love of my life was somewhere in Brooklyn, and I would never see her again.

Squeezing my eyes shut to prevent the tears from falling, I took a shaky breath. I would do anything to redo these last two days. I wasn’t ready to lose her.

Sprinting up the stairs and onto the street, I slid into the first cab I saw, not caring that a small family was trying to get in.

“Take me to Brooklyn” I muttered. “And drive fast.”

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