Late For Class

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100th Imagine. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyy. This Imagine is for all of the people that have been voting and commenting on my imagines the most. All of these people that I am about to announce, I would just like to say thank you, because all of your good feedback helps me to be motivated and humble. I do these imagines so that you guys can enjoy them and relate to them. So once again, thank you: 

Hannahstyles2379, Sandra17546, JJ_4_eva, Beautifulwillows, Roodirj,

Bieber1994, HazzaLover211994, Peddieandcakeforever, Mint_Miranda,

Zogster111, Ambberrr, _Breanna_28, Dirtyhemmings, Minnie_ Dope,

Brookdixon, Haleyy_20, Heyy_bby44, _Undiscovered, Isabellajxo,

Nemoloveonedirection, Katesoliva, JaniahBrewer, Sarcasam,

Loubear27, PrincessStylesx3, MissSwaggy101, Engsimagination,  

Asiandoll98, and last but not least, Melissastyles20.


Your POV

“H-hey,” Louis stammered. I tapped my foot impatiently, waiting for Louis to hurry up.

“What is it Louis?” I snapped. “Harry and I have to get to class.”

“I was just wondering,” He began, shoving his hands in his pockets. “If you would be my girlfriend?

I gasped, unable to process what he said. “So what do you say?” He asked again, but I didn’t know how to tell him I liked his best friend. So I panicked. 

“Sorry, I don’t have time for this now,” I blurted, then took Harry’s hand and bolted down the hallway leaving Louis in the dust.

“Damn, that was harsh,” Harry said, eyeing me. I shrugged him off, ignoring his comment.

“What, we are going to be late,” I exclaimed, as we rushed down the hallway to our class. He paused for a second glancing me over again, then he replied. 

“No we are not. We still have 2 minutes,” He replied, a small smile growing across his face.

“Okay,” I warned, raising my eyebrows at him. “But you know she’ll lock us out.”

But he ignored me. He just took my hand, and began running faster. We took a sharp turn almost passing our classroom completely. 

I reached for the handle only to find it locked. We began jiggling the handle, hoping it would open, but it didn’t. We were late. All the noise must have disturbed the class, because the next thing I knew our teacher was out in the hall yelling at us.

“Harry. (Y/N). What on earth are you doing?” She asked, shooting us a disapproving look. 

I hid my face in shame, but Harry wasn’t backing down. “You locked us out,” He attacked , crossing his arms his chest. “According to my watch we still had 2 minutes.”

“Yes but-” 

“But what,” he exclaimed cutting her off. 

“Don’t raise your voice at me,” She replied, grabbing him by the ear. “I am your teacher, and you will address me as such. You will have a fun time learning that in detention.”

“Wait, no,” Harry pleaded, struggling to break free. “Ouch!”

“He has a point,” I added, finally coming out of my silence. “The rules say we have to be here at 8am. And technically we were here at 7:59am.”

“Don’t back sass me, young lady,” The teacher called, grabbing me by the ear too. 

“Because of your little outburst both of you have two detentions.”

She dragged us both into the classroom, ignoring our cries of pain.

“Thanks a lot Harry,” I muttered, when I was safely back in my seat. 

“Sorry,” he whispered, offering an apologetic smile.

“Do you want to make that 3 detentions?” The teacher called from the front of the room.

“No ma’am,” Harry and I replied, in unison. After that we both kept our mouths shut for the rest of class.

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