Come On Harry

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Harry’s POV

“They’re here,” Louis sings running down the stairs nearly tripping to get the door.

We all gathered in the living room for our weekly movie night. “What movie are we watching tonight,” Zayn asks wrapping his arm around his Perrie. She giggled as he pulled her closer kissing her all over her face. I rolled my eyes at them, but they ignored me.

“We are watching the Notebook,” Niall’s girl pips in laughing at the unanimous sighs of disappointment.

“Aww come on,” Niall frowns covering his eyes as the movie begins playing.

“Who said we would be watching the movie,” she replies sitting on Niall’s lap. While Niall had his makeout session, I sat next to (Y/N).

She had been my best friend for years, and over the years I have grown feeling for her, but I could never tell her that. “Popcorn anyone,” she asks getting up to head for the kitchen.

“Me,” Niall yells pulling away from his girlfriend for a brief moment.

“I’ll help,” I reply following her.

“What’s up with you today,” she giggles watching as I fumbled with the popcorn bag. She takes the bag from me and dumps it out in the bowl.

“Nothing,” I sigh running my fingers through my hair.

“Come on Harry,” she smiles. “I’m your best friend. I know when something’s bothering you.”

She takes the bowl and heads down the hallway back to the living room. “It’s just,” I begin following after her. “I don’t know.” 

“You’re weird,” she smiled. Her smile was intoxicating and I had the strangest urge to kiss her. I leaned down gently placing my hand behind her neck kissing her. It was like we were the only two in the world until I heard the cheers.

“Finally,” everyone cheered. I had forgotten that we were in the living room. I wrapped my arms around her and she rested her head against my chest.

“What took you so long,” she whispered kissing me on my cheek. 

“Yeah, what took you so long,” Liam piped in and everyone began laughing.

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