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Got a cheer game tomorrow!!!!!!! So excited, its our Homecoming Game. Btw don't worry, no one is gonna actually get shot in this imagine. 


Your POV-

Harry and I were walking down the boardwalk hand in hand. We settled on a bench just watching the water. “This is really beautiful,” I said, enjoying the way the ocean breeze felt against my skin.

“You are,” he replied, wrapping his arm around me. I blushed looking away from him. 

We were just sitting there enjoying the ocean view, when a girl walks up to Harry and starts talking to him like I’m not even here. 

“Hey Harry,” She cooed, biting her lip. I could see the lust in her eyes, as she eyed Harry’s bare chest. “I was wondering if I could get a picture with you?”

Of course Harry would say ‘yes’. He could never say no to fans. “Can you take our picture?” She had the nerve to ask in her annoyingly high pitched voice. I took in a sharp breath every part of me wanting to say no, but I agreed. 

After I had taken the picture and handed the girl her camera back, she still didn’t leave. I watched as she touch all up on Harry feeling his muscles. And of course Harry didn’t stop her. He can be such an attention whore sometimes. 

I crossed my arms across my chest hoping Harry would notice my sour mood, but he didn’t. He just kept on talking like I wasn’t even there. When she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, that’s when I lost it. 

“Excuse me,” I snapped, pulling Harry away from her touch. “But Harry and I have to go.”

I sent her a look to make sure she knew to to mess with my man, then I grabbed Harry and pulled him away from that girl. When the girl was out of site, Harry grabbed my arm stopping me.

“What was that about?” He asked, anger rising in his voice. 

“I didn’t like the way she was touching you,” I shot back, folding my arms across my chest. 

Harry paused for a moment just staring at me, then he spoke again. “Ooooh I see. You were jealous.”

“Was not,” I replied, looking away in embarrassment. 

“Were too,” he smirked, wrapping his arm around my waist. “It’s okay. We both know you were jealous.”

“Well I wouldn’t be if you didn’t have girls all over you 24/7,” I responded, rolling my eyes at him.

“You don’t have to worry though. You drive me crazy. In a good way though,” He smirked, kissing me on the cheek.

“You drive me crazy too Harry,” I blushed. “But next time I might have to pull out my gun and all you would hear was gunshots.”

“Alright, okay (Y/N) my little thug,” he laughed. “We’ll see about that.”

“I’m serious Harry,” I replied. “Let something like that happen again.”

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