New Kid

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WARNING!!!! This Imagine is long :)

Your POV-


12 is the number of new school I’ve been to in the past 3 years. My dad is in the army, so I move around a lot. Changing school so often makes it tough to keep friends. Around school number 5, I came up with rules on making it in a new school. Don’t draw attention to yourself, girls are sneaky don’t always trust them, and stay away from the football players because they almost always have a cheerleader bitch that is just waiting to start some drama. I guess you could say I’m a loner. I don’t really have time to make friends. I never stay at a school for more than one semester. 

I pulled my black Mustang into a parking spot in the back of the lot. I wasn’t trying to make an entrance, but the black Mustang daddy got me as an “I’m sorry we move so much” present. I step out my car and throw on my black leather jacket. 

“So this is LA,” I say scanning the parking lot full of Mercedes Benzes and BMWs. I sigh and pull my backpack a little higher on my shoulder and prepare to start my first day of junior year. 

I walk into the busy hallway and pick up my schedule and books from the front office. I make my way to my locker, but before I could make it there I run into someone. 'Shit. Why wasn’t I paying attention' I think bending over to pick up my books. Apparently the person I ran into had the same idea, and his curly headed self bumped heads with me. 

I quickly grabbed my head in pain mentally cursing this curly headed boy. He bends over and picks up my books. “I’m sorry I bumped into you. Here,” he says handing me the books.

I take the books and eyed the boy in front of me. He was a little taller then me. He was dressed in a Black shirt with a black leather jacket on similar to mine and he had on black skinny jeans. “Thanks,” I reply attempting to push past him. I was about to be late for class on the first day of school.

He stops me. “What’s your name,” he asks standing in between me and my next class.

“I’m (Y/N),” I yell already halfway down the hallway.

“I’m Harry,” he yells back then puts his hands in his pockets turning to head off to his next class.


Harry's POV-

'I’m so stupid. How could I run into her. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I walk right into her,' I thought as I walked to class. I took my seat near the back of the classroom as the teacher droned on about the class expectations. I completely zoned out of the class. I couldn’t help but think about (Y/N). She was perfect! She’s like my kitten sent from heaven.

After class I saw her again by her locker. I wanted to talk to her, but I had no idea what to say to her. I couldn’t get up the courage to speak to her, so I just watched her fingers skillfully hang her NYU poster next to her Nirvana poster in her locker. I was about to turn to head to my next class, when she spotted me. 'Crap. Act cool,' was all I could think as she slowly approached me.

“I get the feeling you’re following me,” she question raising her beautiful eyebrow.

“N-no,” I stuttered trying to come up with some excuse to be looking at her. “I was just walking by when I noticed your Nirvana poster.”

“Oh yeah that,” she replied looking down at the floor. “My mom gave that to me before she left my dad.”

Immediately I cursed myself for even asking. “I’m so sorry,” I consoled trying to make up for my stupidity.

“No it’s alright,” she shrugged. “She at least taught me one good thing. She’d rather be hated for who she is than loved for something she wasn’t. And clearly she wasn’t a mother. She was never really around for me. One day she gave me the poster and said someday you’ll understand, and left.”

“Kurt Cobain,” I muttered. “You know the lead singer/ songwriter for Nirvana.”

She was staring off in the distance somewhere. “Oh yeah,” she said snapping out of her dazed state. “I guess so. I have to go.” She turned away still slightly confused on what had just happened. When I saw her finally turn the corner, I smacked myself in the forehead. How could I be so stupid. I blew it.

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