Requests Page

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**Important Announcement: This book is complete, so I am closing the Requests Page at this time. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANY MORE REQUESTS IN THIS BOOK. My second oneshot book will have a place to drop your requests, so please utilize that.**

Hello, lovelies! I have been getting so many requests lately that I need a better way of keeping them organized. Thus, this page. 

I don't really ask for requests (and honestly, I don't have a ton of time to complete them, unfortunately), but if you have a burning idea that you just have to tell me about, this is the place to drop it. Also, I know this is a big task due to the size of this book, but please check all the chapters before requesting anything, in order to avoid requests for stuff I have already done.


• I do my best, but I cannot always fulfill every request. That's not to say that anyone's request is a bad idea. Rather, it is just very difficult for me to write unless I have a clear idea in my head. Additionally, even if a request is fulfilled, it might take me a while, because I already have so many stories in progress. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding!

• Requests should be submitted in general terms. (For example: "Levi x Erwin's Sister Reader" or "the reader's brother dies, and Levi comforts her".) Unfortunately, I cannot take requests that already have a significant amount of plot written out, because then I would feel like I was stealing your story, and I don't want to do that. General rule of thumb: requests shouldn't be longer than a Twitter tweet (140 characters).

• Because requests are in general terms, they are not credited. I own the plot, Isayama owns the universe, and you own yourself, just like always. :) 

• Please keep requests appropriate for a PG-13 audience. (No lemons, sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) 

• Other things that I will not do include (but are not limited to): stories without a happy ending, because good God, Levi has suffered enough; Cheater Levi, because I don't believe he would ever do that, and Isayama has stated canonically that Levi would always be loyal in a relationship; and any relationships that would be illegal (i.e. Levi will not be kissing underage cadets or any of his cousins).

• As previously mentioned, I cannot always fulfill requests, so please be chill about it and don't give me a hard time.   

• By submitting a request, you are agreeing to all the points outlined above.

If you have a request, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post. If you are really uncomfortable with that, you can send me a direct message, but otherwise, I would prefer that all requests stay here to help with my organization initiative. I promise that I do read them all, even if I can't get around to writing them. (Also, if you have previously submitted a request that hasn't been completed yet, feel free to drop it here too.)

Finally, thank you in advance for asking me to write a story for you! It really is an honor to be trusted with your requests. :)

Levi x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now