Jacob Black | Yours

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By : unsupervisedpanda | Tumblr


Jacob Black x reader

You rolled your eyes as you scurried around the house. Bella had let Edward in while your dad was out. It wasn't that you didn't like Edward, you just, well no you just didn't like him.

He was too perfect, too sure of everything he did, and he always looked at you like he knew everything you knew. Speaking of he was doing that now.

"Ding! Ding! My creep radar is going off! Stop staring." You snapped as you shoved some belongings into your bag.

"Y/n could you be nicer to Edward? He didn't do anything." Bella snapped at you as she grabbed his pale hand.

Shivering you glared at them. You loved your sister but she never used her head. Glancing at the door you hoped it would swing open.

You'd called the Black's home phone earlier, before Charlie had left and asked to come over. Billy tried to make an excuse but when you told him you didn't want to be home with Edward Cullen around he told you he'd send Jacob over.

You hadn't seen Jacob since, well, since Bella came home with her head busted open. An accident you were assured but it was hard to believe the story you'd been given.

Glancing at your phone you took in the time. It'd been an hour since Jake was supposed to be here.

"Y/n you really should stay here." Bella urged her arms around Edwards waist.

"No thanks." You grumbled grabbing your bag and walking to the front door.

You heard Bella push away from Edward as she chased you.

"Y/n please!" She begged, you ignored her.

"Y/n!" She snapped grabbing your arm.

You yanked your arm out of her hold and glared at her.

"I'm going to Jacob's. Unless you have a good reason, don't stop me." You growled as you faced her.

"He- you can't be serious!" She raged grabbing your arm again.

"You're not going!" Rolling your eyes you pried her hands away and pushed her back.

"What are you? My mom?" You teased humorlessly, she glared at you angrily.

She went to say something but you heard a car pull up behind you.

"Bella? Y/n?" Jacob's voice sounded confused behind you.

"Edward!" Bella yelled and you glared at her.

"Bella!" You hissed but the male was beside her in seconds.

"What is it? Are you alright?" He asked and then glared at Jacob behind you.

"Y/n is trying to go to his house." She told him with a snarl on her lips.

"I know." He whispered kissing her hair.

"Guys?" Jacob's voice was bolder now.

"And I'm going!" You left no room for argument as you turned around but yelped when a cold hand wrapped around your wrist.

"Bella asked you not to go." You heard him say but blood rushed through your ears muffling his voice.

You heard a car door slam behind you but you were already swinging. In rage you'd turned around and slapped Edward. Your blood was pulsing in your veins making you light headed.

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