Jasper Hale | Short Stuff

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


You spotted him immediately, as soon as you came into the cafeteria, following Eric and Angela as they tried to give you a tour of the school.

"This is the cafeteria." Eric waves his arm around the room with a flourish, and your eyes follow his gesture till you stop, drawn to the table at the far end.

His amber eyes pierced through your own, locked on each other until you walked into Tyler Crowley and landed on the floor.

"Sorry short stuff, didn't see you there." Tyler muttered as he offered you a hand to help you up. This was your life. Constantly going unnoticed and unseen because of your height. Your mind jumps back to the amber eyes from across the room, and once you've righted yourself and reassured Tyler that you're fine, you look back to the table to find him gone. Somehow, you felt seen.

You didn't see him for a few days after that. Your new friends told you that the Cullens did that a lot when the weather was nice. You found out what you could about them without people being suspicious, it helped that you were new, people seemed keen to get to know the "new girl", and once you had found out enough, you retreated back into yourself and your life returned to usual. Unnoticed and unseen as your friends chatted amongst each other.

Until Jasper returned.


Standing at your locker humming to yourself, you grab your textbooks for your first couple of classes. You jump in shock when you close your locker to find Jasper standing next to you.

"Sorry little darlin', I didn't mean to make you jump." He says softly, his accent taking you by surprise.

"I wanted to introduce myself...welcome you to the school." He continues hesitantly, his eyes narrowing as he watches your expression. "I'm Jasper...Jasper Hale." He holds out an open hand to you, which you go to shake, assuming that's what he means, squeaking in shock as his cold hand pulls yours to his mouth where he presses a soft kiss to your skin, sending shivers down your spine.

"Y/N." You reply quietly, looking up at him in wonder as he lets go of your hand.

"Bad circulation." He explains, watching you touch the spot where he held your hand, the cold lingering on your skin. You look up at him again, your eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Well...I better be off to class. See you around Y/N." He shoots you a quick wave and a wink as he heads down the corridor, leaving you standing in shock at the bizarre interaction.


A month later, your friendship was progressing nicely. You still sit with your friends at lunch, understanding from Jessica that no one other than the Cullens has ever sat at their table. So when Jasper is waiting for you at your locker that morning to ask you a question, you aren't quite prepared to answer.

"Howdy darlin', how are you on this beautiful day?" He asks as he moves to the side to let you open your locker.

You raise an eyebrow at him, glancing out the window at the rain hammering down on the parking lot outside.

"I'm fine thank you...although I'm not sure I agree with you about the weather."

He laughs quickly before his face changes. "I have a question for you."

You hum in reply as you gather up your books.

"I want to know if you will join me for lunch."

You drop your books as you attempt to put them in your bag, spluttering as you try to think of a reply.

"Erm...uh...erm...with your family?"

"Yeah...so I'll see you later darlin'?" He asks, turning away down the corridor to English when you nod 'yes' in reply.


After that lunch you joined them for lunch at their table every day. You noticed that they didn't eat much, so you started bringing less food to school with you so you didn't look like you didn't belong. You wanted to belong. Sitting with Jasper was the only time you didn't feel unnoticed. He watched you carefully whenever you spoke, taking in every word like you were something or someone to be admired. He understood you, understood how you felt somehow, and you had never felt more seen in your life.

When the time came for Jasper to tell you the truth, to explain to you fully who he was, what he was, and what you truly meant to each other, you understood. Everything made sense. The comfort you found in his company, how he understood all along how you felt. But you still felt out of place when it came to his family.


"Will you come to the house for dinner?" Jasper asked as you held hands across the cafeteria table, his thumb stroking along your knuckles. You froze. You knew that your mind would be filled with anxious thoughts and that both Jasper and Edward would realise how you felt. "Carlisle and Esme are both desperate to meet you."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Of course!" You reply cheerily, quickly trying to think of something different. Stopping your mind from anxiously thinking of how you weren't worth it, that Esme and Carlisle, who you had heard so much about, would hate you. Think that you weren't good enough to be with Jasper. Why wouldn't they? It's a thought you'd had time and time again since meeting Jasper. Why would he want to be friends with you? Why would he want to love you?

"I can't wait to meet them!" You plaster a fake smile to your face, filling your mind with happy smiling faces, puppies, kittens, people in love.

Edward looks over at you and frowns as he tries to understand your mind. Jasper squeezes your hand, to soothe your anxiety. You had to change the topic, change the conversation to something else.

"Did you hear about a new girl starting?" You ask the table. "I hear she's the sheriff's daughter."

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