Paul Lahote | No Longer Lost In Forks (II)

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By : marvelatthetwilight | Tumblr


Paul's POV

I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I'm not ready. I get my phone out of my pocket and open up a message to Jared.

- I can't do this. I can't have her hating me. I can hold out. Tell her another time.

- Bro. STOP IT. She's going to keep going off into the woods looking for whatever it is she's looking for unless you tell her. This isn't for you, it's for her! Also Kim says stop being an idiot, she wants a new friend so hurry up.

I roll my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. I'm ready, I'm ready. I can do this. Just then, the door to the restaurant opened, and Y/N's beautiful scent filled my entire being. I CAN do this. I wave to her and smile, she smiles her beautiful smile, face radiating beauty and happiness, and she starts making her way towards me.

"Hi Y/N". I say awkwardly, reaching my hand out to shake. What the hell am I doing? She stares at my hand, before batting it away and reaching forward for a hug, then kisses me on the cheek.

"Hi Paul. Oh you smell good! What you been up to today?"

I blush. What is this girl doing to me?

"Just hanging out with Jared and the guys at the beach...we are having a bonfire later, if you want to come? We can head over after we've eaten?" Her eyes widen, and she smiles that beautiful smile again.

"I would LOVE to!"


3rd person POV

As each hour passes, Y/N and Paul move closer together. They talk about school, and friends, and life. Y/N feels Paul's warmth from his arm draped behind her. She scoots closer, and rests her head on his shoulder. She looks up and laughs. Her breath tickles his neck as she whispers, "I think they want us to leave".

Paul looks at her dreamily, oblivious to the time they had spent together and just happy to be in the company of his imprint. Ignoring the news he needed to share with her, ignoring that she was unaware of what she truly meant to him, ignoring the fact that he was the beast she had been searching for, the eyes in the shadows.

He looks around, seeing the three wait staff standing to the side, whispering and looking at their booth. He looks at his watch.

"Woah, is that the time? We better get going or we will miss the bonfire, we CAN'T miss the bonfire" Paul calls over their server and asks for the bill.

"Quick, grab your coat, I'll drive us". Y/N looks confused glancing up at Paul as he grabs his jacket and quickly puts it on, he suddenly seems really on edge. Why is he suddenly so stressed? I thought this was going well. She thought to herself.

Paul holds out his hand, Y/N doesn't hesitate in taking it, as she says thank you to the host as they leave the restaurant. Paul immediately feels calmer at her touch as she follows him to his truck, jumping in as he holds open her door, closing it carefully behind her.



Paul doesn't say anything as we drive into La Push, but I can see him glance at me when he thinks I'm not looking.

"Are you ok?" I ask, noticing his hands tighten on the steering wheel.

"Erm yes, just...this bonfire is really important, it' explains a lot about my tribe, and...I think you are important to me....and well, it's...important that you know this, erm....know this about me." He glances at me, then looks back to the road.

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