Jasper Hale | Admitting To Feelings

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By : stanathanxoox | Tumblr


As you sat in the traffic that was Forks on a Friday at five o'clock, you couldn't help but think back to what Jasper had said to you when you had left the hallway just hours ago.

"I can't keep away from you anymore Y/N and I fear it's dangerous for your health" he had said. You had been puzzling over his words since you had watched his beautifully hypnotic body fading into the crowd of fellow school students. Now though you had all the time in the world to ponder the mystifying man that had entered your life just months ago. You were worried, confused, excited and intrigued all at once and all because of the man who many people had said kept to his siblings and refused to speak to anyone. But he spoke to you, he always spoke to you. He was your science partner and on your first day, he had helped you when you had been stuck on one of the organisms you had been trying to identify. You had later found out that he was also in your English literature class and enjoyed the classics. It was just a couple of weeks after meeting him that you had been in a rush in the school library, arms loaded full of different books when you had run into him and he had given you such a charming smile it felt like your heart had stopped beating for a couple of seconds. Your hands had touched when he'd handed you the last book, and he didn't pull back like you had expected he had taken a step closer towards you before his sister Rosalie had growled at him and told him to follow her. A horn blares behind you and you shake yourself, seeing that the traffic had started to move, you move the four-car spaces forward before sitting on your breaks again.

It's almost six pm when you return home, dropping your backpack and folder in your room when you hear a knock on the front door. You rush down the stairs, knowing that your parents are still at work, and your brother is out of town, you're confused not many people stopped in to see you. Opening the door your jaw drops when you see Jasper standing there, his blonde hair framing his angelic face and you smile

"Ugh, hi, Jasper. What can I ugh- is there anything I can do for you?" you manage to stutter and he gives you a small smile

"I was just wondering if maybe you might like to accompany me to this little rock n roll club this evening?" he asks and you raise an eyebrow

"Would this be like a date?" you ask and his smile widens

"It could be if you'd like it to," he says and you smile, before looking down at your clothes

"I'm not exactly dressed for it thought". He looks you up and down and says

"I think you look beautiful in anything you wear but if you would like to change I don't mind waiting" he says and you beam at him before leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek before turning around and rushing up the stairs.

You race over to your wardrobe and begin frantically searching for something that isn't a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. You growl in frustration before racing across the hallway and begin searching through your mother's wardrobe, knowing that she has dresses and such in there and grateful that the two of you are the same size. You manage to find a nice dress, it's figure-hugging at the bust area and down to the waist before it flows out at the waist, you find a petticoat and put that on as well, racing back to your room to find a pair of flats to wear before grabbing your cellphone and sending a quick text to your mum. Checking your reflection in the mirror you smile, you were ready for this date. As you make your way back downstairs you feel nerves coursing through your veins and when you finally reach the ground floor, standing in front of Jasper he gives you an appreciative once over before leaning down and placing a kiss on your cheek, and he holds out his arm for you before you take it.

The night is full of dancing and laughter, he's great at leading you through the dance moves and has a subtle grace about him when he moves. You can't help but admire him for it. The dance teacher smiles at you and says as you and Jasper leave

"I hope we'll get to see you both again soon" you look up at Jasper and he's looking down at you waiting to see what your reaction is. He gives a slight smile before looking back at the teacher and says

"We might be back sooner than you think". She claps her hand and beams. It's almost ten o'clock when you make it back to the car and Jasper turns to you and asks

"Do you have to go straight home or can you stay out a little longer and get something to eat with me? I find myself not wanting to let you go" he admits and you blush, looking into his amber eyes

"I have to be back by eleven-thirty so I'm all yours until then" you say and he beams, holding out his arm for you again as the two of you walk down the towards one of the open restaurants. You're seated across from him in an intimate little booth at the back of the restaurant, and his hand is lying flat on the table palm up in an invitation to you. You look from his hand before looking up into his eyes, you bite your lip, trying to work out if you can ask the question that's been eating away at you all afternoon and evening.

"I can see you have something on your mind Y/N, go ahead, ask me?" he says and you take a deep breath

"I was wondering if you could help me understand what you were meaning this afternoon in the hallway when you left me?" you ask and he looks at you and sighs

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that, not here anyway and not now. Maybe in a couple of months, can you give me that please?" he asks and you search his face, trying to figure him out. Finally, you relent and nod, he reaches out and grabs your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze

"Thank you for that Y/N. I promise I will tell you but first I just want to spend time with you, see you seem to have me under some sort of spell and I find myself hooked" he admits and your jaw drops. Never in your life had anyone ever been quite so forward with their feelings, and here was Jasper, the man who had captured you and your heart from the moment you laid eyes on him admitting that he felt something for you.

"Wow. I have to admit that I feel something for you too Jasper" you say and he beams at you.

"Well then that makes me very happy indeed" he says lifting your hand up to his mouth where he presses a kiss on the back of your hand.

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