Carlisle & Esme | Impossible

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By : ineedmorefanfics2 | Tumblr

Summary: Y/N, a nomad vampire with extraordinary powers, makes the discovery that you can have more than one mate.
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, A little gore


"And stay out!" The barkeep screamed as he pushed Y/N out the door.

"It wasn't even my fault!" She yelled back as she crossed her arms.

She was telling the truth. It really wasn't her fault. She had watched a drunken man feel up the poor woman sitting next to her at the bar all night. The lady had looked extremely uncomfortable and when she had asked the man to kindly back off, he harshly grabbed her wrist and called the woman a bitch. That didn't fly with Y/N. So she may, or may not, have punched the man so hard his nose broke.

She licked the blood off of her fist and leaned against the side of the bar, using her ability to blend into the wall. When she was turned she was gifted with the power of chameleon. It allowed her to blend into any environment and was useful for catching prey.

Her stomach growled. She needed to look for her next meal and pathetic drunks usually weren't missed.

The man from earlier had come stumbling out of the bar holding his nose. "Stupid whore." He mumbled.

"Who you calling a whore?" Y/N sneered.

"Hey! You're the bitch that broke my nose!" He accused.

"You want a bitch? I'll give you a bitch." She growled as she grabbed the back of his jacket.

"Oh no." The man groaned out before emptying the contents of his stomach all over her shoes.

"My fucking shoes!" She snapped. "I'm not even going to waste my time with your pathetic blood."

"W-what?" He gulped. She grabbed his head and twisted until she heard a satisfying crack. She snatched his wallet before throwing him in the bar dumpster and going off to buy a new pair of shoes.

"Asshole." She muttered.


"Right hand on yellow!" Alice called.

"Emmett get your ass out of my face!" Edward growled.

"I can't help it!"

"I hate this." Jasper muttered as he tried to maneuver his hand to yellow.

"I did it Auntie Alice!" Renesmee called.

"We have a winner!" Esme cheered.

"That's not fair!" Emmett whined.

"Who picked this game again?" Jasper asked.

"I did." Esme gushed. "It's family time and I need new pictures!" She held up her Polaroid.

"I think it was a great idea honey." Carlisle praised as he gave her a kiss.

"All right Renesmee, time for bed." Bella picked up the young girl.

"Goodnight!" She waved as she leaned on her mothers shoulder.

"Goodnight." Esme planted a kiss on the young girls forehead. "We have lots to do tomorrow so get your rest."

"Okay." The girl giggled.

A few moments later Bella walked downstairs, Renesmee tucked in bed.

"Who's up for some hunting?" Carlisle proposed.


Y/N had been breaking in her new shoes for a couple of hours now, making her way from Helena, Montana to a small town called Forks in Washington.

She was running around the forest, looking for a lonesome hiker or camper. What she didn't expect was to find a group of vampires hunting a couple of deer.

She hid in the tree above the clan, blending into it as she watched them curiously.

"I call picking next weeks game." One of the vamps whined. He was tall and muscular with dark hair and golden eyes. If Y/N didn't know any better she would've assumed he was on steroids.

"You're just a sore loser." A girl with short brown hair and an impeccable fashion taste teased. The blonde man holding her hand snickered. Probably mates, Y/N thought.

A ginger haired vampire tensed as he looked up in the tree that she was currently hiding in. "Someone's here."

"What? How do you know?" A blonde woman asked.

He pointed towards the trees. "I heard them."

Y/N came out of hiding and jumped down. "My bad, you caught me." She held her hands up. "I'm just looking for a meal, didn't mean to ruin the party."

A couple of them seemed to tense up. "Hey what's wrong with your eyes? You guys got contacts or something?" Y/N asked, trying to release some tension.

"We have a different diet than most."

Y/N looked up at the man who spoke, her mouth going dry as their eyes connected. If her heart could beat it would be beating out of her chest. Everything faded away, the only thing remaining was him.

"Impossible." He muttered.

"What's impossible?" The woman, who was currently gripping his arm, asked.

"They're mates."

"That can't be... Esme and Carlisle are mates."

Y/N turned her attention to the woman she assumed was Esme. Esme looked up and Y/N got that feeling again. It was like a tidal wave of love and comfort just passed over her at full speed. "You're both my mates."

"Can that even happen?"

"Threesome!" Smack. "Hey!"

"I didn't even see her coming."

The man and woman slowly walked up to her.

"I'm Esme and this is Carlisle." The woman introduced.

"I'm Y/N."

"It's great to meet you Y/N."

Y/N grinned. She was home.

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