Demetri Volturi | Forced Love

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By : like-rain-or-confetti | Tumblr

Yandere|Demetri x Reader


It was impossibly fast. Before you knew it, you were in an upright headlock.
It was Demetri. You panicked almost immediately.

"Shh..." Demetri said into your ear. "It won't hurt. Don't struggle."

You did. It was nothing to Demetri but you struggled as much as you could. Slowly Chelsea approached with a smile. "It's okay, sugar." She smiled. "You don't need to be afraid."
She began to speak to you. You couldn't even latch onto her words because all you could focus on was the shift within your body. Something within you was changing and you couldn't stop it. You couldn't identify what if could be. Your body, against your will, begun to relax.
Suddenly, Demetri cooed in your ear, a purr rumbling within him. "It's working." His tone light and soft as though there wasn't a trouble in the world.

"P-Please... stop." You barely managed the words out. You went ignored as Chelsea continued talking.

All the fight from you drained away, you were terrified but couldn't express it. Demetri's hold upon your neck loosened. Chelsea tilted her head at you with a smile before stepping back. Silently confirming she was done.

"It's okay, sugar. Chin up."

Could she tell you were afraid? Could she sense your desire to scream that never made it past your lips? It was like you had forgotten how.

You barely felt arms behind you before there was a strong wind. Demetri put you down in a bedroom. Was it his own? He didn't explain.

Instead he coiled his arms, holding you to him. "Darling, do you know how long I've waited to have you in my arms?"

Was it long enough to justify this? Had Demetri always been this way? Why couldn't you run? Why couldn't you scream?

A day passed and words finally seemed to escape you. Although they weren't even half of what you wanted to say. You couldn't deny or fight the pull to Demetri. You wanted to but you couldn't and as time went on, it only grew more difficult. Demetri seemed to notice your confusion. In silence, he wrapped his arms around you before tilting his head. "What's wrong, darling?"

You couldn't believe he'd even dare ask but snapping at him wasn't an option. Literally. You couldn't bring yourself to do it. In fact, you couldn't even pin point what you were feeling to even tell him. Your thoughts were a jumbled mess as every time Demetri was around your love and devotion over took immediately.

"I-I can't think." Even your voice trembled.

"You don't need to think, darling." Demetri took in a deep breath of your scent. You wanted to argue against that, but all hope of structuring even the smallest of sentences went out the window with a sharp gasp.

Demetri's hold upon you tightened, his arms wrapped around you, holding you to him. However that was barely on your mind as his mouth pressed kisses against your neck. Shivers moved down your spine as his tongue swiped over any sensitive skin. Suddenly Demetri marched both of you forward so that you were pinned, face first between the wall and Demetri.

There was definitely no escaping now. The attack on your neck only got more intense. Suddenly the weight upon you lifted and you were turned around, your back against the wall.

"I love you so much, darling." Demetri said as he pressed gentle kisses down your throat. "It's a little confusing for now. I understand that, precious, but..." Demetri tilted your chin up to look at him. "... you're going to be very happy here. Just trust your instincts." How could you when you knew your instincts weren't your own? Your lack of control upon your own body was driving you mad.

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