Carlisle Cullen | The Doctor

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By : imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl | Tumblr

Pairing: Carlisle Cullen X Reader | Word count: 2.007

Summary: After getting wounded, you get to meet doctor Carlisle Cullen, and you can't help but fall for him.


"Would you stop arguing and help me?" You tell at your friends, forcing them to come back to Earth, where your shoulder has a deep cut. Mike comes to help you out the car as Camille goes to find someone in the hospital. The blood is staining your coat and shirt, covering your arm.

"Doctor Cullen will see you immediately." A nurse announces when Mike and you step in.

"Careful, (Y/N)." Camille walks ahead of us, moving people out of the way. Soon enough you get to the Emergency, which is empty. Mike helps you to sit on one of the beds, and before Camille can go looking for someone again, a man walks in. The doctor, you think. His skin is very, very pale, and his hair is blond. With a warm smile, he comes closer.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Carlisle Cullen." He takes a look on my shoulder, carefully pulling the fabric of my coat away from the wound. "Unfortunately, you can't stay." The doctor says to my friends. "I'll let you know when we're done here."

"Hold on, (Y/N)." They smile at you before leaving. Now that your blood is getting cold, the pain only gets worse.

"What's your name?" The doctor asks in a soft voice.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)." You mutter.

"I'll cut the sleeve off, is that alright?" You nod and the doctor moves to do as he said. "What happened?"

"I was with my friends on La Push. We were jumping through the rocks when I got distracted and slipped." Even though Carlisle is being careful, it hurts. Closing your eyes shut, you moan. "I'm not the strongest person when it comes to injuries."

"It's alright, I'm used to it." The doctor applies some anesthesia and, to your desperation, the wound is deep. And you need stitches. Thank God Carlisle is a very competent doctor and after the anesthesia, you don't feel anything.

"Shit, I don't wanna look." Focusing your eyes on the wall across the room, you ignore how the needle will come in and out your skin several times. "I really hate this."

"My guess is that you've never been through any serious injury." As he speaks, you try to relax, resting your back against the pillow.

"I broke my index finger when I was a child, but I don't remember the pain."

"I'm glad to know you're not a daredevil." You can hear the smile on his voice and that makes you look at him. His eyes are golden, and you didn't even know this eyes color existed.

"Well, I was jumping on rocks just after a pouring rain." You wish the doctor was younger, so you'd stand a chance. But he's probably married and even if he isn't, he wouldn't have eyes to you. Life isn't fair. "I may not be a daredevil but I'm a bit stupid, that's for sure."

"You and my son would get along very well." He comments, giggling. And there it is, the confirmation.

"You have a son?" Is all you can manage to say.

"Three sons and two daughters. But they're all adopted."

"It sounds like a complicated story." After flashing a look at his work, you turn your head to the other side abruptly. "Camille's aunt can't have children so she adopted a little girl a few years ago."

"I don't have a wife if that's what you're trying to ask." Apparently, you're very funny, because the doctor can't stop smiling at your every word.

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